
US: /ˈseɪnt/
UK: /sˈe‍ɪnt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

saint /seint/
  • tính từ
    • ((viết tắt) St.) thiêng liêng, thánh (thường đặt trước tên người hay tên thiên thần, ví dụ St-Paul, St-Vincent)
    • danh từ
      • vị thánh
        • this would provoke a saint: điều ấy đến bụt cũng không chịu nổi
      • to be with the Saints
        • về chầu Diêm vương
      • departed saint
        • người đã quá cố
    • ngoại động từ
      • phong làm thánh; coi là thánh; gọi là thánh

    Advanced English dictionary

    + noun
    1 (abbreviation S, St) a person that the Christian Church recognizes as being very holy, because of the way they have lived or died: St John + St Valentine's Day + The children were all named after saints.
    See also - PATRON SAINT
    2 a very good, kind or patient person: She's a saint to go on living with that man. + His behaviour would try the patience of a saint.
    sainthood noun [U]

    Collocation dictionary


    blessed, holy | patron
    St Nicholas is the patron saint of children.



    Concise English dictionary

    +a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
    +person of exceptional holiness
    +model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
    +hold sacred
    +declare (a dead person) to be a saint