
US: /ˈɹæʃənəˌɫaɪz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

rationalize /'ræʃnəlaiz/
  • ngoại động từ
    • hợp lý hoá (một ngành sản xuất)
    • giải thích duy lý (tín ngưỡng...) làm cho (hành vi tư tưởng...) phù hợp với lẽ phải
    • (toán học) hữu tỷ hoá
    • nội động từ
      • theo chủ nghĩa duy lý
      • hành động suy nghĩ theo chủ nghĩa duy lý

    Advanced English dictionary

    (BrE also rationalise) + verb
    1 to find or try to find a logical reason to explain why sb thinks, behaves, etc. in a way that is difficult to understand: [VN] an attempt to rationalize his violent behaviour [also V]
    2 (BrE) to make changes to a business, system, etc. in order to make it more efficient, especially by spending less money: [VN] Twenty workers lost their jobs when the department was rationalized. [also V]
    rationalization, rationalisation noun [U, C]: No amount of rationalization could justify his actions. + a need for rationalization of the industry

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 make plausible or believable or understandable or acceptable or reasonable, make allowance(s) or excuses for, vindicate, account for, justify, excuse, reason away, explain away:
    How can you rationalize taking my car without my permission?
    2 think through, reason out; apply logic to, ratiocinate:
    He warps the statistics to rationalize his argument. The fundamentalists make no attempt to rationalize their literal interpretation of the Scripture.