
US: /ˈɹæmbəɫ/
UK: /ɹˈæmbə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

ramble /'ræmbl/
  • danh từ
    • cuộc dạo chơi, cuộc ngao du
      • to go for a ramble: đi dạo chơi
  • nội động từ
    • đi dạo chơi, đi ngao du
    • nói huyên thiên, nói dông dài; nói không có mạch lạc, viết không có mạch lạc

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb [V]
1 [+adv./prep.] (BrE) to walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside: We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.
2 (BrE) ~ (on) (about sb/sth) to talk about sb/sth in a confused way, especially for a long time: He had lost track of what he was saying and began to ramble. + What is she rambling on about now?
3 (of plants) to grow in many different directions, especially over other plants or objects: Climbing plants rambled over the front of the house.
See also - RAMBLING
+ noun
a long walk for pleasure: to go for / on a ramble in the country

Thesaurus dictionary

1 amble, wander (off), stroll, saunter, walk, perambulate, go (off or away), travel, drift, range, rove, go or move about, hike, trek, Colloq mosey:
Don't ramble too far as dinner will be ready soon. We used to ramble over those hills, but the area is now an industrial site
2 meander, wander, digress, maunder:
Fiona tends to ramble off the main topic of conversation.
3 Sometimes, ramble on. babble, chatter, gibber, rave, go on (and on), rattle on, Colloq Brit witter on, rabbit on or away:
If you didn't stop him, Hugh would ramble on for ever about his grandchildren.
4 stroll, amble, saunter, walk, promenade, constitutional, walkabout, tour, tramp, hike, trek:
We went on a short ramble through the park.

Collocation dictionary


country, nature


go for/on
We went for a ramble over the moors.


on a ~
The family made the amazing find while on a nature ramble in the woods.

Concise English dictionary

+an aimless amble on a winding course
+continue talking or writing in a desultory manner
+move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment