
US: /pɹiˈzəmpʃən/, /pɹɪˈzəmpʃən/
UK: /pɹɪsˈʌmpʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

presumption /pri'zʌmpʃn/
  • danh từ
    • tính tự phụ, tính quá tự tin
    • sự cho là đúng, sự cầm bằng, sự đoán chừng; điều cho là đúng, điều cầm bằng, điều đoán chừng; căn cứ để cho là đúng, căn cứ để cầm bằng, căn cứ để đoán chừng
      • there is a strong presumption against the truth of this news: có căn cứ chắc chắn để chứng minh là tin đó không đúng
      • there is a strong presumption in favour of...: có căn cứ vững chắc để thiên về

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [C] something that is thought to be true or probable: There is a general presumption that the doctor knows best.
2 [U] (formal) behaviour that is too confident and shows a lack of respect for other people: She was infuriated by his presumption in not consulting her first.
3 [U, C] (law) the act of supposing that sth is true, although it has not yet been proved or is not certain: Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence until they are proved to be guilty.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 arrogance, pride, effrontery, audacity, boldness, brazenness, impudence, impertinence, insolence, temerity, overconfidence, presumptuousness, forwardness, immodesty, Colloq pushiness, cheek, cheekiness, nerve, gall, chutzpah, brass, Brit brass neck:
He had the presumption to ask my age.
2 assumption, supposition, presupposition, preconception, premise or premiss, surmise, proposition, postulation; probability, likelihood, plausibility, feasibility:
The presumption of the innocence of a person accused of a crime is established in law.
3 assumption, stand, position, inference, feeling, deduction, conclusion, conviction, bias, guess, theory, hypothesis, conjecture, belief, thought; suspicion:
Having examined the evidence, the pathologist's presumption was that the victim had died of natural causes
4 ground(s), reason, basis, evidence:
What is your presumption for thinking that you might win the lottery?

Collocation dictionary


strong | general
There is a general presumption that fatty foods are bad for your heart.


~ about
The argument is based on certain presumptions about human nature.
| ~ against
the presumption against changes in the common law
| ~ of
a strong presumption of guilt

Concise English dictionary

+an assumption that is taken for granted
+(law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed
+audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to
+a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming