
US: /ˌpɑsəˈbɪɫəˌti/
UK: /pˌɒsəbˈɪlɪti/

English Vietnamese dictionary

possibility /,pɔsə'biliti/
  • danh từ
    • sự có thể, tình trạng có thể, khả năng
      • possibility and reality: khả năng và hiện thực
      • to be within the bounds of possibility: trong phạm vi khả năng
      • there is a very fair possibility of his coming: rất có khả năng anh ấy đến

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural possibilities)
1 [U, C] ~ (of sth / of doing sth)
~ (that ...) the fact that sth might exist or happen, but is not certain to: There is now no possibility that she will make a full recovery. + He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase. + It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that we'll all meet again one day. + Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve. + What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility.
2 [C, often pl.] one of the different things that you can do in a particular situation
Synonym: OPTION
to explore / consider / investigate a wide range of possibilities + to exhaust all the possibilities + Selling the house is just one possibility that is open to us. + The possibilities are endless.
3 [C, usually pl.] something that gives you a chance to achieve sth
The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills. + Career possibilities for women are much greater than they were fifty years ago.
4 (possibilities) [pl.] if sth has possibilities, it can be improved or made successful
The house is in a bad state of repair but it has possibilities. + He was the first to see the possibilities of the plan.
possibility / occasion / opportunity / chance
Occasion, opportunity and chance all mean a time when it is possible to do something. Possibility and chance are used to suggest that something might happen.
Occasion suggests a time that is right or suitable for an activity: A wedding is an occasion for celebration.
Opportunity and chance suggest it is possible for you to do something because the circumstances are good or lucky at the time: I had the opportunity to spend a year in Paris while I was a student. + I hope you get the chance to relax this weekend.
Possibility. Note that you cannot say a/ the possibility to do sth: I had the possibility to spend a year in Paris while I was a student. Possibility means the fact that something might happen or be true and is used with of or that:
There is a possibility that I might go to Paris to study for a year. Chance can also be used in this way:
I have a good chance of being promoted.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 chance, odds, prospect, conceivability, feasibility, plausibility, likelihood, admissibility:
There is a possibility of my leaving work early to meet you. What is the possibility that he might be honest? They deny even the possibility of God's existence
2 Often, possibilities. opportunity, potentiality, potential, capacity, promise:
The old house has many large rooms and offers great possibilities.

Collocation dictionary


exciting, interesting | endless, many
The resort offers endless possibilities for entertainment.
| further, other | different, various | future | distinct, great, real, serious, strong
There's a strong possibility that it will rain today.
| reasonable | faint, remote
There is a faint possibility that he might have got the wrong day.
| practical | theoretical | obvious


allow sb, offer sb, open up, raise | see | consider, discuss, examine, explore, study
Have you explored the possibilities of setting up your own business?
| accept, acknowledge, admit, concede, countenance, entertain, recognize | ignore, overlook | deny, discount, dismiss, eliminate, exclude, preclude, rule out
We cannot rule out the possibility of mistaken identity.
| face
The club is facing the real possibility of relegation.
| risk
We don't want to risk the possibility of losing all our money.
| allow for, cover
Some reserves were named to cover the possibility of withdrawals.
| avert | lessen, reduce


~ for
She was quick to see the possibilities for making money that her new skills gave her.
| ~ of
Careful checks will reduce the possibility of unpleasant surprises.


beyond/within the bounds of possibility
It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that a similar situation could arise again.
| a number/range of possibilities
The course offers a wide range of possibilities for personal development.

Concise English dictionary

possibilities‚pɑsə'bɪlətɪ /‚pɒ-
+a future prospect or potential
+capability of existing or happening or being true
+a tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena
+a possible alternative