
US: /ˈpaɪpɪŋ/
UK: /pˈa‍ɪpɪŋ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

piping /'pipin/
  • danh từ
    • sự thổi sáo, sự thổi tiêu; sự thổi kèn túi
    • tiếng sáo, tiếng tiêu; tiếng kèn túi; tiếng gió vi vu; tiếng gió vi vu; tiếng chim hót
    • sự viền, dải viền cuộn thừng (quần áo); đường cuộn thừng (bằng kem... trang trí trên mặt bánh)
    • ống dẫn (nói chung); hệ thống ống dẫn
    • tính từ
      • trong như tiếng sáo, lanh lảnh
      • the piping times os peace
        • thời thanh bình (khắp nơi vang tiếng sáo)
      • piping hot
        • sói réo lên; nóng sôi sùng sục

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, adjective
    + noun [U]
    1 a pipe or pipes of the type or length mentioned: ten metres of lead piping
    2 a folded strip of fabric, often with a length of string inside, used to decorate a piece of clothing, a cushion, etc: a uniform with gold piping
    3 lines of cream or ICING/FROSTING as decoration on a cake
    4 the sound of a pipe or pipes being played: We heard their piping in the distance.
    + adjective (of a person's voice) high

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 pipeline, tube, duct, hose, line, main, conduit, passage, conveyor, channel:
    The pipes are inspected regularly for corrosion.
    2 briar, meerschaum, corn-cob, calabash, clay pipe, water-pipe, hookah, narghile, chibouk or chibouque, peace-pipe or pipe of peace or calumet, Colloq Irish briar, Brit hubble-bubble, US bong:
    He slowly tamped down the tobacco in his pipe, then lit it.
    3 pan-pipe, whistle, boatswain's pipe, tooter, horn, wind, wind instrument, woodwind, brass:
    They play the pipes in the London Symphony.
    4 tootle, tweet, skirl, warble, whistle, peep, cheep:
    One was piping away on a flute, the other was dancing a jig.
    5 transmit, deliver, channel, conduct, convey, supply:
    The gas is piped directly into our homes.
    6 US look at, notice, spot, note, look at, Colloq get a load of:
    Pipe the guy trying to climb up the outside of that building.
    7 pipe down. become quieter, quieten down, make less noise, hush (up), shush (up), whisper, Colloq belt up, shut up:
    I wish they'd pipe down, I can't sleep.
    8 pipe up. speak (up), say, raise one's voice, make oneself heard, offer, volunteer:
    Sally piped up with the correct answer from the back of the classroom.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
    +a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
    +a hollow cylindrical shape
    +a small fipple flute that is played with the left hand while the right hand is free to beat a tabor
    +the flues and stops on a pipe organ
    +a wind instrument; the player blows air into a bag and squeezes it out through the instrument
    +utter a shrill cry
    +transport by pipeline
    +play on a pipe
    +trim with piping