
US: /ˈpæt/
UK: /pˈæt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

pat /pæt/
  • danh từ
    • cái vỗ nhẹ, cái vỗ về; tiếng vỗ nhẹ
    • khoanh bơ nhỏ
    • ngoại động từ
      • vỗ nhẹ, vỗ về
        • to pat someone on the back: vỗ nhẹ vào lưng ai
      • vỗ cho dẹt xuống
      • nội động từ
        • (+ upon) vỗ nhẹ (vào)
        • to pat oneself on the back
          • (nghĩa bóng) tự mình khen mình
      • phó từ
        • đúng lúc
          • the answer came pat: câu trả lời đến đúng lúc
        • rất sẵn sàng
        • to stand pat
          • không đổi quân bài (đánh bài xì)
        • (nghĩa bóng) giữ vững lập trường; bám lấy quyết định đã có
        • tính từ
          • đúng lúc
          • rất sẵn sàng

        Advanced English dictionary

        verb, noun, adjective, adverb
        + verb (-tt-) to touch sb/sth gently several times with your hand flat, especially as a sign of affection: [VN] She patted the dog on the head. + He patted his sister's hand consolingly. + [VN-ADJ] Pat your face dry with a soft towel.
        Idioms: pat sb / yourself on the back to praise sb or yourself for doing sth well
        + noun
        1 a gentle friendly touch with your open hand or with a flat object: a pat on the head + He gave her knee an affectionate pat.
        2 ~ of butter a small, soft, flat lump of butter: baked potatoes with a pat of butter and a sprinkle of paprika
        See also - COWPAT
        Idioms: a pat on the back (for sth / for doing sth) praise or approval for sth that you have done well: He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work. + Give yourself a pat on the back!
        + adjective (usually disapproving) (of an answer, a comment, etc.) too quick, easy or simple; not seeming natural or realistic
        Synonym: GLIB
        The ending of the novel is a little too pat to be convincing. + There are no pat answers to these questions.
        Idioms: have / know sth off pat (BrE) (AmE have / know sth down pat) to know sth perfectly so that you can repeat it at any time without having to think about it: He had all the answers off pat.
        stand pat (especially AmE) to refuse to change your mind about a decision you have made or an opinion you have

        Thesaurus dictionary

        1 tap, touch, dab, pet, stroke, caress:
        Being short, he hated it when people affectionately patted him on the head. Pat down the coverlet to smooth out the wrinkles
        2 pat on the back. congratulate, commend, praise, compliment, encourage, reassure:
        The sales manager patted me on the back for clinching the contract.
        3 tap, touch, dab, stroke, caress:
        Give the dog a pat and he'll leave you alone.
        4 (small) piece, patty, lump, cake, portion; patty:
        The waiter put a pat of butter on my plate.
        5 pat on the back. commendation, praise, compliment, flattery, encouragement, credit, reassurance, approval, endorsement, recognition; honeyed words:
        I was expecting a big bonus, but all I got was a pat on the back.
        1 perfectly, exactly, precisely, faultlessly, flawlessly, just so or right, Brit off pat:
        She has the new technique pat.
        2 aptly, suitably, appositely, readily, appropriately, fittingly, relevantly:
        His reply came out a little too pat.
        3 apt, suitable, apposite, ready, appropriate, fitting, relevant:
        The poet made a very pat comparison.

        Collocation dictionary


        affectionate, friendly | reassuring

        VERB + PAT

        give sb/sth
        He gave the dog a pat.


        ~ on
        He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

        Concise English dictionary

        +the sound made by a gentle blow
        +a light touch or stroke
        +pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin
        +hit lightly
        +having only superficial plausibility
        +exactly suited to the occasion
        +completely or perfectly