
US: /ˈoʊvɝ/
UK: /ˈə‍ʊvɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

over /'ouvə/
  • danh từ
    • trên; ở trên
      • a lamp over our heads: cái đèn treo trên đầu chúng ta
      • with his hat over his eyes: cái mũ sùm sụp trên mắt
      • the radio: trên đài phát thanh
    • trên khắp, ở khắp
      • rice is grown all over Vietnam: khắp nơi ở Việt Nam nơi nào cũng trồng lúa
      • all the world over: trên khắp thế giới
      • all the world over: trên khắp thế giới
      • to travel over Europe: đi du lịch khắp Châu Âu
    • hơn, trên
      • to set somebody over the rest: đánh giá ai hơn những người khác, đặt ai trên những người khác
      • to win a victory over the enemy: đánh thắng kẻ thù
      • to have command over oneself: tự làm chủ được bản thân mình, tự kiềm chế được mình
    • hơn, nhiều hơn
      • it costs over 100d: giá hơn 100 đồng
    • qua, sang, đến tận
      • to jump over the brook: nhảy qua con suối
      • to look over the hedge: nhìn qua hàng rào
      • the house over the way: nhà bên kia đường
      • to stumble over a stone: vấp phải hòn đá
      • over the telephone: qua dây nói
      • if we can tide over the next month: nếu ta có thể vượt qua được hết tháng sau
      • can you stay over Wednesday?: anh có thể ở đến hết thứ tư không?
    • all over somebody
      • (từ lóng) mê ai, phải lòng ai, say ai
    • over all
      • từ bên này đến bên kia, bao quát
    • over our heads
      • khó quá chúng tôi không hiểu được
    • vượt qua đầu chúng tôi, không hỏi ý kiến chúng tôi
    • over head and ears in love
      • yêu say đắm
    • over shoes over boots
      • (xem) boot
    • over the top
      • nhảy lên (hào giao thông) để công kích
    • to go to sleep over one's work
      • đi ngủ mà còn suy nghĩ đến công việc
    • to have a talk over a cup of tea
      • nói chuyện trong khi uống trà
  • phó từ
    • nghiêng, ngửa
      • to lean over: tỳ nghiêng (qua)
      • to fall over: ngã ngửa
    • qua, sang
      • to jump over: nhảy qua
      • to look over: nhìn qua (sang bên kia)
      • to ask somebody over: mời ai qua chơi
      • he is going over to the Soviet Union: anh ấy đang đi Liên-xô
      • please turn over: đề nghị lật sang trang sau
      • to turn somebody over on his face: lật sấp ai xuống
      • to go over to the people's side: đi sang phía nhân dân
    • khắp, khắp chỗ, khắp nơi
      • to paint it over: sơn khắp chỗ
    • ngược
      • to bend something over: bẻ ngược cái gì, gấp ngược cái gì
    • lần nữa, lại
      • the work is badly done, it must be done over: công việc làm không tốt, phải làm lại
    • quá, hơn
      • over anxious: quá lo lắng
      • 20kg and over: hơn 20 kg
    • từ đầu đến cuối, kỹ lưỡng, cẩn thận
      • to count over: đếm đi đếm lại cẩn thận
      • to think a matter over: nghĩ cho chín một vấn đề
    • qua, xong, hết
      • time is over: đã hết giờ
    • all over
      • (xem) all
    • over again
      • lại nữa
    • over against
      • đối lập với
    • over and above
      • (xem) above
    • over and over [again]
      • nhiều lần lặp đi lặp lại
  • danh từ
    • cái thêm vào, cái vượt quá
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (quân sự) phát đạn nổ quá mục tiêu
    • tính từ
      • cao hơn
      • ở ngoài hơn
      • nhiều hơn, quá
      • qua, xong hết

    Advanced English dictionary

    adverb, preposition, noun
    + adverb
    Help Note: For the special uses of over in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example take sth over is in the phrasal verb section at take.
    1 downwards and outwards from an upright position: Try not to knock that vase over. + The wind must have blown it over.
    2 from one side to another side: She turned over onto her front. + The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over.
    3 across a street, an open space, etc: I stopped and crossed over. + He rowed us over to the other side of the lake. + They have gone over to France. + This is my aunt who's over from Canada. + I went over (= across the room) and asked her name. + Let's ask some friends over (= to our home). + Put it down over there.
    4 so as to cover sb/sth completely: The lake was frozen over. + Cover her over with a blanket.
    5 above; more: children of 14 and over + You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over.
    6 remaining; not used or needed: If there's any food left over, put it in the fridge.
    7 again: He repeated it several times over until he could remember it. + (AmE) It's all wrong-you'll have to do it over.
    8 ended: By the time we arrived the meeting was over. + Thank goodness that's over! + I was glad when it was over and done with.
    9 used to talk about sb/sth changing position: He's gone over to the enemy (= joined them). + Please change the wheels over (= for example, put the front wheels at the back). + Hand over the money!
    10 used when communicating by radio: Message received. Over (= it is your turn to speak). + Message understood. Over and out.
    Idioms: (all) over again a second time from the beginning: He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself.
    over against sth in contrast with sth
    over and over (again) many times; repeatedly: I've told you over and over again not to do that.
    over to you used to say that it is sb's turn to do sth
    + preposition
    Help Note: For the special uses of over in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example get over sth is in the phrasal verb section at get.
    1 resting on the surface of sb/sth and partly or completely covering them/it: She put a blanket over the sleeping child. + He wore an overcoat over his suit. + She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.
    2 in or to a position higher than but not touching sb/sth; above sb/sth: They held a large umbrella over her. + The balcony juts out over the street. + There was a lamp hanging over the table.
    3 from one side of sth to the other; across sth: a bridge over the river + They ran over the grass. + They had a wonderful view over the park.
    4 on the far or opposite side of sth: He lives over the road.
    5 so as to cross sth and be on the other side: She climbed over the wall.
    6 falling from or down from a place: The car had toppled over the cliff. + He didn't dare look over the edge.
    7 (all) ~ in or on all or most parts of sth: Snow is falling all over the country. + They've travelled all over the world. + There were papers lying around all over the place.
    8 more than a particular time, amount, cost, etc: over 3 million copies sold + She stayed in Lagos for over a month. + He's over sixty.
    9 used to show that sb has control or authority: She has only the director over her. + He ruled over a great empire. + She has editorial control over what is included.
    10 during sth: We'll discuss it over lunch. + Over the next few days they got to know the town well. + We're away over (= until after) the New Year.
    11 past a particular difficult stage or situation: We're over the worst of the recession. + It took her ages to get over her illness.
    12 because of or concerning sth; about sth: an argument over money + a disagreement over the best way to proceed
    13 using sth; by means of sth: We heard it over the radio. + She wouldn't tell me over the phone.
    14 louder than sth: I couldn't hear what he said over the noise of the traffic. - ABOVE
    Idioms: over and above in addition to sth: There are other factors over and above those we have discussed.
    + noun (in cricket) a series of six balls BOWLED by the same person: Chadwick dismissed two batsmen in the same over.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 above, on, upon, on top of, atop (of):
    She spread a tarpaulin over the boat to protect it.
    2 more than, greater than, upwards or upward of, in excess of, (over and) above, (over and) beyond; exceeding:
    Of the 2000 people questioned in our survey, over half said they think prunes are funny. The thieves took over $50,000-worth of paintings
    3 across, to or from or on the other side of; beyond:
    The children crossed over the river to play in the woods on the other side
    4 for, during, in or over or during the course of, through, throughout:
    Over the next week she will be working in the Paris office.
    5 (all) through, throughout, (all) about, all over:
    We travelled over the entire country in the course of our holiday. Have you gone over the manuscript I left with you?
    6 done (with), finished, terminated, concluded, ended, past, settled, closed, at an end, over with:
    I'm afraid it's all over between us, Carrie.
    7 to, onto, past, beyond, across:
    This room looks out over the sea.
    8 remaining, as a remainder, as surplus, outstanding:
    When we finished eating, there wasn't much left over.
    9 (once) again, once more, one more time:
    This pot will have to be cleaned over again.
    10 down, to the ground or floor:
    You almost knocked over the lamp.

    Concise English dictionary

    +(cricket) the period during which a given number of balls (6 in England but 8 in Australia) are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
    +having come or been brought to a conclusion
    +at or to a point across intervening space etc.
    +throughout an area
    +throughout a period of time
    +beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position
    +over the entire area