
US: /məˈnɑtənəs/
UK: /mənˈɒtənəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

monotonous /mə'nɔtnəs/
  • tính từ
    • đều đều, đơn điệu; buồn tẻ ((cũng) monotone)
      • a monotonous voice: giọng đều đều
      • a monotonous life: cuộc sống đơn điệu; cuộc sống buồn tẻ

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
never changing and therefore boring: a monotonous voice / diet / routine + monotonous work + New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.
monotonously adverb: As the clock ticked monotonously on the wall Mr Simons slowly and methodically cut up and ate his food.

Thesaurus dictionary

boring, tedious, dull, tiresome, humdrum, sleep-inducing, soporific, wearisome, wearying, tiring, monotonic, repetitious, prosaic, banal, dry, dry-as-dust, uninteresting, dreary, colourless, unexciting, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, commonplace, routine, uneventful, everyday, mechanical, banausic, Colloq ho-hum:
Working in an assembly line became monotonous, so I took a job in advertising.

Concise English dictionary

mə'nɑtnəs /-'nɒ-
+tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
+sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch