
US: /ˈmɪŋk/
UK: /mˈɪŋk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

mink /miɳk/
  • danh từ
    • (động vật học) chồn vizon
    • bộ da lông chồn vizon

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural mink or minks)
1 [C] a small wild animal with thick shiny fur, a long body and short legs. Mink are often kept on farms for their fur: a mink farm
2 [U] the skin and shiny brown fur of the mink, used for making expensive coats, etc: a mink jacket
3 [C] a coat or jacket made of mink

Concise English dictionary

+the expensive fur of a mink
+fur coat made from the soft lustrous fur of minks
+slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur