
US: /mæɡˈnɪfəsənt/, /mæɡˈnɪfɪsənt/
UK: /mæɡnˈɪfɪsənt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

magnificent /mæg'nifisnt/
  • tính từ
    • tráng lệ, nguy nga, lộng lẫy
    • (thông tục) rất đẹp, cừ, chiến

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
extremely attractive and impressive; deserving praise: The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building. + She looked magnificent in her wedding dress. + You've all done a magnificent job.
magnificence noun [U]: the magnificence of the scenery
magnificently adverb: The public have responded magnificently to our appeal. + The city boasts a wealth of magnificently preserved temples and palaces.

Thesaurus dictionary

great, excellent, splendid, superior, superb, marvellous, glorious, grand, fine, impressive, imposing, awe-inspiring, impressive, brilliant, commanding, august, noble, majestic, regal, distinguished, elegant, exalted, sublime, outstanding; sumptuous, resplendent, opulent, rich, luxurious, lavish:
She lives in a magnificent country house.

Collocation dictionary


be, look


really, truly | absolutely, quite
an absolutely magnificent performance
| rather

Concise English dictionary

+characterized by grandeur