
US: /ˈɫɑdʒɪkəɫ/
UK: /lˈɒd‍ʒɪkə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

logical /'lɔdʤikəl/
  • tính từ
    • hợp với lôgic; theo lôgic; hợp lý

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 (of an action, event, etc.) seeming natural, reasonable or sensible: a logical thing to do in the circumstances + It was a logical conclusion from the child's point of view. + Each of them having their own room was the logical solution.
2 following or able to follow the rules of logic in which ideas or facts are based on other true ideas or facts: a logical argument + Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind.
logically adverb: to argue / think logically
(BrE also -logic
) - -OLOGY

Thesaurus dictionary

1 syllogistic(al), inferential, deductive, inductive:
Her argument follows basic logical criteria.
2 reasonable, plausible, sensible, sound, valid, intelligent, judicious, practical, rational, wise, proper:
Is it logical to assume that people will believe you?
3 well-organized, sound, coherent, consistent, sensible, rational, reasonable, well-reasoned, well-thought-out:
The proposal is set forth in a logical fashion, from premise to conclusion.

Collocation dictionary


be, seem, sound
It all sounds quite logical.


eminently, extremely, highly, very | absolutely, completely, entirely, perfectly, quite
His arguments seemed perfectly logical.
| purely
The issue here is purely logical: it has nothing to do with ethics.
| hardly

Concise English dictionary

'lɑdʒɪkl /'lɒd-
+capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning
+based on known statements or events or conditions
+marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
+capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner