
US: /ˌɪnˈdʒɛkʃən/
UK: /ɪnd‍ʒˈɛkʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

injection /in'dʤekʃn/
  • danh từ
    • sự tiêm
    • chất tiêm, thuốc tiêm
    • mũi tiêm, phát tiêm
    • (kỹ thuật) sự phun
    • (toán học) phép nội xạ

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [C, U] an act of injecting sb with a drug or other substance: to give sb an injection + He was treated with penicillin injections. + An anaesthetic was administered by injection. + daily injections of insulin
2 [C] a large sum of money that is spent to help improve a situation, business, etc: The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.
3 [U, C] an act of forcing liquid into sth: a fuel injection system

Collocation dictionary

1 act of injecting sb


intramuscular, intravenous | anti-tetanus/tetanus, flu, pain-killing | insulin, penicillin, etc. | booster
Can I bring my dog in for his booster injection?
| lethal
In some US states execution is by lethal injection.
| regular | daily


He had to have a tetanus injection after injuring himself with a shovel.
| administer, give sb, perform
They gave her an injection to stop the pain.
| receive
The rats received a daily injection of the drug.


by ~
The best treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.
| ~ against
an injection against whooping cough
| ~ for
injections for diabetes
| ~ in/into
an injection into the vein
| ~ with
Both groups received a second injection with the same solution.

2 money


massive, substantial | much-needed | capital, cash
An undisclosed buyer will provide a much-needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.


need, require | give sth, provide (sth with) | receive


~ from
a cash injection from the Belgian state
| ~ into
an injection of cash into the economy


an injection of capital/cash/money/resources
The company had reached the size where it needed an injection of capital.

Concise English dictionary

+the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure
+any solution that is injected (as into the skin)
+the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe