
US: /ˈɡɫɪmɝ/
UK: /ɡlˈɪmɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

glimmer /'glimə/
  • danh từ
    • tia sáng le lói; ngọn lửa chập chờn; ánh sáng lờ mờ
      • a glimmer of hope: tia hy vọng yếu ớt
    • ý niệm mơ hồ, ý nghĩ mơ hồ (về vấn đề gì)
    • nội động từ
      • le lói; chập chờn (ánh đèn...)
      • to go glimmering
        • tiêu tan (hy vong, kế hoạch...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 a faint unsteady light: We could see a glimmer of light on the far shore.
    2 (also glimmering) a small sign of sth: a glimmer of hope / amusement / recognition + I caught the glimmer of a smile in his eyes. + the glimmering of an idea
    + verb [V] to shine with a faint unsteady light: The candles glimmered in the corner. + (figurative) Amusement glimmered in his eyes.

    Collocation dictionary


    faint, tiny
    In the east we could see the first faint glimmer of dawn. (figurative) The faint glimmer of an idea had crept into his mind.


    ~ of

    Concise English dictionary

    +a flash of light (especially reflected light)
    +a slight suggestion or vague understanding
    +shine brightly, like a star or a light