
US: /ˈɡɪv/
UK: /ɡˈɪv/

English Vietnamese dictionary

give /giv/
  • động từ gave, given
    • cho, biếu, tặng, ban
      • to give a handsome present: tặng một món quà đẹp
    • cho, sinh ra, đem lại
      • to give profit: sinh lãi
      • the sun gives us warmth and light: mặt trời cho chúng ta sức nóng và ánh sáng
    • nêu cho; đưa cho, trao cho, đem cho, chuyển cho
      • to give a good example: nêu một tấm gương tốt
      • give me my hat, please: xin anh làm ơn đưa cho tôi một cái mũ
      • to give one's wishes: gửi lời chúc mừng, chuyển lời chúc mừng
    • truyền cho, làm lây sang
    • trả (tiền...); trao đổi
      • how much did you give for it?: anh trả cái đó bao nhiêu?
      • to give a horse for a car cow: đổi con ngựa lấy con bò cái
      • to as good as one gets: ăn miếng trả miếng; ăn miếng chả trả miếng bùi
    • (đi đôi với danh từ thanh một cụm từ)
      • to give a cry: kêu lên
      • to give a loud laugh: cười to, cười vang
      • to give a look: nhìn
      • to give a jump: nhảy lên
      • to give a sigh: thở dài
      • to give a push: đẩy
      • to give a groan: rên rỉ
      • to give a start: giật mình
      • to give encouragement: động viên, khuyến khích
      • to give permission: cho phép
      • to give an order: ra lệnh
      • to give birth to: sinh ra
      • to give one's attention to: chú ý
    • làm cho, gây ra
      • he gave me to understand that: hắn làm cho tôi hiểu rằng
      • to give someone much trouble: gây lo lắng cho ai, gây phiền hà cho ai
    • cống hiến, hiến dâng; ham mê, miệt mài, chuyên tâm
      • to give one's life to one's country: hiến dâng đời mình cho tổ quốc
      • to give one's mind to study: miệt mài nghiên cứu; chuyên tâm học tập
    • tổ chức, mở, thết (một buổi dạ hội...); biểu diễn, diễn (kịch), đóng (một vai tuồng); hát dạo (một bản nhạc...), ngâm (một bài thơ...)
      • to give a concert: tổ chực một buổi hoà nhạc
      • to give a banquet: mở tiệc, thết tiệc
      • to give a song: hát một bài
      • give us Chopin, please: anh hãy dạo cho chúng tôi nghe những bản nhạc của Sô-panh
      • to give Hamlet: diễn vở Ham-lét
    • tan, vỡ, sụp đổ; lún xuống, trĩu xuống; có thể nhún nhẩy, co giãn (như lò xo)
      • the frost is giving: sương giá đang tan
      • the branch gave but did not break: cành cây trĩu xuống nhưng không gãy
      • the marshy ground gave under our feet: đất lấy lún xuống dưới chân chúng tôi
    • quay ra, nhìn ra, dẫn
      • this window gives upon the street: cửa sổ này nhìn ra đường phố
      • this corridor gives into the back yard: hành lang này dẫn vào sân sau
    • chỉ, đưa ra, để lộ ra
      • the thermometer gives 23o in the shade: nhiệt biểu chỉ 23o trong bóng râm
      • to give no signs of life: không lộ ra một dấu hiệu nào của sự sống
      • newspapers give these facts: các báo hằng ngày đưa ra các sự kiện đó
    • đồng ý, thoả thuận; nhường, nhượng bộ
      • I give you that point: tôi đồng ý với anh điểm ấy; tôi nhượng bộ anh điểm ấy
      • to give ground: nhượng bộ, lùi bước
    • coi như, cho là, cho rằng
      • he was given for dead: người ta coi như là hắn ta đã chết
    • quyết định xử
      • to give the case for the defendant: xử cho bị cáo được kiện
      • to give the case against the defendant: xử cho bị cáo thua kiện
    • to give away
      • cho
    • to give away all one's money: cho hết tiền
    • trao, phát (phần thưởng)
      • to give away the pwices: phát phần thưởng
    • tố cáo, phát giác; để lộ, phản bội
      • to give away a secret: lộ bí mật
      • to give away the show: (từ lóng) để lộ điều bí mật, để lộ nhược điểm; để lòi cái dốt ra
    • to give back
      • hoàn lại, trả lại
    • to give forth
      • toả ra, phát ra, bốc (sức nóng, ánh sáng, mùi, tiếng...)
    • công bố (tin tức...)
    • to give in
      • nhượng bộ, chịu thua
    • nộp (tài liêu...)
    • ghi vào, điền vào
      • to give in one's name: ghi tên vào
    • to give off
      • toả ra, phát ra, bốc ra, bốc lên, xông lên (mùi, hơi nóng, khói...)
    • to give out
      • chia, phân phối
    • toả ra, phát ra, làm bay ra, bốc lên, xông lên (hơi nóng, mùi...)
    • rao, công bố
      • to give oneself out to be (for): tự xưng là, tự nhận là
    • hết, cạn
      • food suplies began to give out: lương thực bắt đầu cạn
    • bị hư, bị hỏng (máy móc); mệt, quỵ, kiệt đi (sức)
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) cho (phỏng vấn)
      • to give out an interview: cho phỏng vấn
      • to give over: trao tay
    • thôi, chấm dứt
      • give over crying!: nín đi! thôi dừng khóc nữa!
      • to be given over to: đâm mê, đắm đuối vào
      • to be given over to gambling: đam mê cờ bạc
    • vứt bỏ, bỏ
      • to give over a bahit: bỏ một thói quen
    • to give up
      • bỏ, từ bỏ
    • to give up a habit: bỏ một thói quen
    • to give up one's work: bỏ công việc
    • to give up one's appointment: từ chức
    • to give up one's business: thôi không kinh doanh nữa
    • to give up a newspaper: thôi không mua một tờ báo
    • nhường
      • to give up one's seat: nhường ghế, nhường chỗ ngồi
    • (y học) coi như là tuyệt vọng, cho như là không chữa được
      • to be given up by the doctors: bị các bác sĩ cho là không cứu chữa được nữa
    • trao, nộp (cho nhà chức trách...)
      • to give oneself up: đầu thú, tự nộp mình
    • khai báo (đồng bọn)
    • đam mê, đắm đuối, miệt mài (học tập)
      • to give oneself up to drinking: rượu chè be bét, đam mê rượu chè
    • to give a back
      • (xem) back
    • to give a Roland for an Oliver
      • ăn miếng chả, trả miếng bùi
    • give me
      • (chỉ lời mệnh lệnh) tôi thích, tôi phục
    • give me an evening of classical drama: tôi thích xem một buổi tuồng cổ
    • to give ir somebody hot
      • mắng mỏ ai, xỉ vả đánh đập ai
    • to give someone what for
      • (từ lóng) mắng mỏ (chỉnh, xỉ vả) ai, trừng phạt ai nghiêm khắc
    • to give to the public (world)
      • công bố
    • to give somebody the time of day
      • (xem) day
    • to give way
      • nhượng bộ; chịu thua
    • to give way to sowmeone: chịu thua ai
    • to give way to despair: nản lòng, nản chí
    • kiệt đi (sức khoẻ)
    • cong, oằn, lún xuống, tan, gây, đứt
      • the rope gave way: dây thừng đứt
      • the ice gave way: băng tan ra
    • (thương nghiệp) bị giảm giá, sụt xuống
    • (hàng hải) rán sức chèo
    • bị bật đi, bị thay thế
      • would give the word (one's ears) for something (to get something): sãn sàng hy sinh hết để được cái gì
  • danh từ
    • tính đàn hồi, tính co giân, tính nhún nhảy được
      • there is no give in a stone floor: sàn đá thì không thể nhún nhảy được
    • give and take
      • sự có đi có lại
    • sự nhượng bộ lẫn nhau, sự thoả hiệp
    • sự bông đùa qua lại

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb
(gave )
hand / provide
1 ~ sth to sb
~ sb sth to hand sth to sb so that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time: [VN, VNN] Give the letter to your mother when you've read it. + Give your mother the letter. + [VNN] They were all given a box to carry. + [VN] She gave her ticket to the woman at the check-in desk.
2 ~ sth to sb
~ sb sth to hand sth to sb as a present; to allow sb to have sth as a present: [VNN] What are you giving your father for his birthday? + She was given a huge bunch of flowers. + Did you give the waiter a tip? + [VN] We don't usually give presents to people at work. + [V] They say it's better to give than to receive.
3 ~ sth to sb
~ sb sth to provide sb with sth: [VNN] They were all thirsty so I gave them a drink. + Give me your name and address. + We've been given a 2% pay increase. + I was hoping you would give me a job. + He was given a new heart in a five-hour operation. + She wants a job that gives her more responsibility. + Can I give you a ride to the station? + They couldn't give me any more information. + I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. + Don't give me any of that backchat (= don't be rude). + [VN] He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues. + The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children.
4 ~ (sth) to sth to pay money to a charity, etc., to help people: [V] We need your help-please give generously. + They both gave regularly to charity. + [VN] I gave a small donation.
5 ~ (sb) sth for sth to pay in order to have or do sth: [VNN] How much will you give me for the car? + I'd give anything to see him again. + [VN] I gave £40 for the lot.
treat as important
6 ~ sth to sb/sth to use time, energy, etc. for sb/sth: [VNN, VN] I gave the matter a lot of thought. + I gave a lot of thought to the matter. + [VN] The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system.
7 ~ sth to sb
~ sb sth to make sb suffer a particular punishment: [VNN] The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence. + [VN] We discussed what punishment should be given to the boys.
8 ~ sth to sb
~ sb sth to infect sb with an illness: [VNN] You've given me your cold. + [VN] She'd given the bug to all her colleagues.
party / event
9 [VN] if you give a party, you organize it and invite people
10 [VN] to perform sth in public: She gave a reading from her latest volume of poetry. + The President will be giving a press conference this afternoon.
do / produce sth
11 used with a noun to describe a particular action, giving the same meaning as the related verb: [VN] She gave a shrug of her shoulders (= she shrugged). + He turned to us and gave a big smile (= smiled broadly). + She looked up from her work and gave a yawn (= yawned). + He gave a loud cry (= cried out loudly) and fell to the floor. + to give a groan / laugh / sigh + Her work has given pleasure to (= pleased) millions of readers. + [VNN] He gave her a kiss (= kissed her). + I have to admit that the news gave us a shock (= shocked us). + We'll give you all the help we can (= help you in every way we can).
Help Note: For other similar expressions, look up the nouns in each. For example, you will find give your approval at approval.
12 [VNN] to produce a particular feeling in sb: All that driving has given me a headache. + Go for a walk. It'll give you an appetite.
telephone call
13 [VNN] to make a telephone call to sb: Give me a call tomorrow. + (BrE) I'll give you a ring.
mark / grade
14 to judge sb/sth to be of a particular standard: [VNN] She had given the assignment an A. + I give it ten out of ten for originality. [also VN]
predict how long
15 [VNN] to predict that sth will last a particular length of time: That marriage won't last. I'll give them two years, at the outside.
in sport
16 [VN-ADJ] to say that a player or the ball is in a particular position: The umpire gave the ball out.
17 [V] to bend or stretch under pressure: The branch began to give under his weight. + (figurative) We can't go on like this-something's got to give.
Idioms: Most idioms containing give are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example, give rise to sth is at risen.
don't give me that (spoken, informal) used to tell sb that you do not accept what they say: 'I didn't have time to do it.' 'Oh, don't give me that!'
give and take to be willing, in a relationship, to accept what sb else wants and to give up some of what you want: You're going to have to learn to give and take.
give as good as you get to react with equal force when sb attacks or criticizes you: She can give as good as she gets.
give me sth/sb (any day / time) (spoken) used to say that you prefer a particular thing or person to the one that has just been mentioned: We don't go out much. Give me a quiet night in front of the TV any day!
give or take (sth) if sth is correct give or take a particular amount, it is approximately correct: It'll take about three weeks, give or take a day or so.
give sb to believe / understand (that) ... [often passive] (formal) to make sb believe/understand sth: I was given to understand that she had resigned.
I give you ... (spoken, formal) used to ask people to drink a TOAST to sb: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Geoff Ogilby!
I / I'll give you that (spoken) used when you are admitting that sth is true
what gives? (spoken, informal) what is happening?; what is the news?
Phrasal Verbs: give sb away (in a marriage ceremony) to lead the BRIDE to the BRIDEGROOM and formally allow her to marry him: The bride was given away by her father.
give sth<->away
1 to give sth as a gift: He gave away most of his money to charity. + (informal) Check out the prices of our pizzas-we're virtually giving them away!
related noun GIVEAWAY
2 to present sth: The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.
3 to carelessly allow sb to have an advantage: They've given away two goals already.
give sth/sb<->away to make known sth that sb wants to keep secret
Synonym: BETRAY
She gave away state secrets to the enemy. + It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game away. + His voice gave him away (= showed who he really was).
related noun GIVEAWAY
give sb back sth
give sth<->back (to sb)
1 to return sth to its owner: Could you give me back my pen? + Could you give me my pen back? + I picked it up and gave it back to him. + (spoken, informal) Give it me back!
2 to allow sb to have sth again: The operation gave him back the use of his legs.
give in (to sb/sth)
1 to admit that you have been defeated by sb/sth: The rebels were forced to give in.
2 to agree to do sth that you do not want to do: The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers' demands.
give sth in (to sb) to hand over sth to sb in authority: Please give your work in before Monday.
give off sth to produce sth such as a smell, heat, light, etc: The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. + The fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat.
give on to / onto sth [no passive] (BrE) to have a view of sth; to lead directly to sth: The bedroom windows give on to the street. + This door gives onto the hall.
give out
1 to come to an end; to be completely used up: After a month their food supplies gave out. + Her patience finally gave out.
2 to stop working: One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic. + Her legs gave out and she collapsed.
give sth<->out to give sth to a lot of people: The teacher gave out the exam papers.
give out sth
1 to produce sth such as heat, light, etc: The radiator gives out a lot of heat.
2 [often passive] (especially BrE) to tell people about sth or broadcast sth
give over (BrE, spoken, informal) used to tell sb to stop doing sth: Give over, Chris! You're hurting me. + [+ -ing] Give over complaining!
give yourself over to sth (also give yourself up to sth) to spend all your time doing sth or thinking about sth; to allow sth to completely control your life
give sth<->over to sth [usually passive] to use sth for one particular purpose: The gallery is given over to British art.
give up to stop trying to do sth: They gave up without a fight. + She doesn't give up easily. + I give up-tell me the answer.
give sb up
1 (also give up on sb especially in AmE) to believe that sb is never going to arrive, get better, be found, etc: There you are at last! We'd given you up. + We hadn't heard from him for so long, we'd given him up for dead.
2 to stop having a relationship with sb: Why don't you give him up?
give sth<->up
1 [no passive] to stop doing or having sth: She didn't give up work when she had the baby. + We'd given up hope of ever having children. + [+ -ing] You ought to give up smoking.
2 to spend time on a task that you would normally spend on sth else: I gave up my weekend to help him paint his apartment.
give sth<->up (to sb) to hand sth over to sb else: We had to give our passports up to the authorities. + He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman (= stood up to allow her to sit down).
give yourself / sb up (to sb) to offer yourself/sb to be captured: After a week on the run he gave himself up to the police.
give yourself up to sth = GIVE YOURSELF OVER TO STH
give up on sb
1 to stop hoping or believing that sb will change, get better, etc: His teachers seem to have given up on him.
2 (especially AmE) = GIVE SB UP
+ noun [U] the ability of sth to bend or stretch under pressure: The shoes may seem tight at first, but the leather has plenty of give in it.
Idioms: give and take
1 willingness in a relationship to accept what sb else wants and give up some of what you want: If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give and take. + Marriage is a give-and-take relationship.
2 an exchange of words or ideas: to encourage a lively give and take

Thesaurus dictionary

1 present, deliver, pass (over), turn or hand over, confer, vouchsafe, provide, supply, furnish, bestow, donate, accord, afford, award, hand out, contribute, distribute, grant, allow, transfer, make over, entrust:
Please give me the envelope. I have given the files to the tax inspector. Give freely to charity.
2 exchange, pay, transfer, trade, barter, swap or swop:
Philippa gave a week's salary for that dress.
3 impart, pass on, communicate, transmit, send, convey, express:
Give my regards to Broadway.
4 afflict with, cause, occasion:
Rock music gives me a headache.
5 sacrifice, devote, dedicate, yield (up), surrender, give up, cede, concede, consign, apply (oneself) to:
Those monks have given their lives to the study of Scripture.
6 present, offer; announce, introduce:
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Madja Kiziamainska, the Polish Nightingale!
7 present, announce, offer, recite, sing, act, perform, read, put on:
We were asked to give a performance for charity.
8 utter, emit, give out (with), issue:
He gave a shout to warn us.
9 yield, relax, give way, fail, collapse, buckle, break down, fall or come apart:
If that pillar gives, the balcony will come down.
10 cause, lead, induce, persuade, make, prompt, move, dispose:
I was given to understand that I was not welcome.
11 cede, relinquish, concede, allow, surrender, yield:
He gave me the first game but I lost the second.
12 give away.
(a) See 1, above.
(b) reveal, betray, let out, divulge, disclose, expose, inform on, uncover, leak, let slip; let the cat out of the bag; Colloq blow the whistle on, Slang rat on, US fink on:
The traitor gave me away, and I was arrested.
13 give in. yield, submit, give up, give ground, back away (from), back off, capitulate, surrender, admit defeat:
After trying for hours to make him change his mind, he finally gave in.
14 give off. give out, emit, exude, exhale, discharge, send or throw out, release, smell of:
Her clothing gave off a scent of lavender.
15 give out.
(a) See 14, above.
(b) distribute, hand out, give, deal (out), pass out or around, disseminate, dispense, allot, apportion, allocate, assign, distribute, issue, mete or hand out, ration (out), dole (out), pay, Colloq dish or fork out, shell out:
The prizes will be given out to the winners at a special ceremony. She was giving out handbills to passers-by.
(c) publish, announce, make known, broadcast, impart, issue, make public, reveal:
You shouldn't give out that kind of information.
(d) become exhausted, be reduced or depleted, fail, run out:
What will we do when the food gives out?
(e) See 8, above.
16 give over. assign, resign, hand over, surrender, relinquish, pass or over, give up; assign, entrust:
We gave our dog over to Lambert's for training.
17 give up.
(a) abandon, stop, cease, quit, leave off, forgo, forsake, renounce, desist from, swear off, abstain from; reject; Colloq cut out, chuck:
I am trying to give up smoking.
(b) surrender, capitulate, yield, cede, concede, give in (to defeat), throw in the towel or sponge; despair:
I've tried to convince him but finally gave up.
(c) See 4, above.
(d) See 13, above.
(e) See 16, above.
18 slack, play, leeway, excess; flexibility, stretch:
There is very little give in the rules governing working hours. Nylon is used for boat anchor rodes because it has some give.

Concise English dictionary

+the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
+cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense
+be the cause or source of
+transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
+convey or reveal information
+convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow
+organize or be responsible for
+convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture
+give as a present; make a gift of
+cause to happen or be responsible for
+give or supply
+tell or deposit (information) knowledge
+bring about
+leave with; give temporarily
+emit or utter
+endure the loss of
+place into the hands or custody of
+give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause
+give (as medicine)
+give or convey physically
+bestow, especially officially
+move in order to make room for someone for something
+give food to
+contribute to some cause
+break down, literally or metaphorically
+estimate the duration or outcome of something
+execute and deliver
+deliver in exchange or recompense
+afford access to
+present to view
+perform for an audience
+be flexible under stress of physical force
+accord by verdict
+manifest or show
+offer in good faith
+submit for consideration, judgment, or use
+guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion
+allow to have or take
+inflict as a punishment
+consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man
+proffer (a body part)