
US: /ˈfɫɪŋ/
UK: /flˈɪŋ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

fling /fling/
  • danh từ
    • sự ném, sự vứt, sự quăng, sự liệng, sự lao, sự gieo (quân súc sắc)
    • sự nhào xuống, sự nhảy bổ
    • sự lu bù (ăn chơi...)
      • to have one's fling: ăn chơi lu bù
    • lời nói mỉa; lời chế nhạo
      • to have a fling at somebody: nói mỉa ai; chế nhạo ai
    • (thông tục) sự thử làm, sự gắng thử
      • to have a fling at something: thử làm gì, gắng thử gì
    • điệu múa sôi nổi
      • the Highland fling: điệu múa sôi nổi của Ê-cốt
  • nội động từ flung
    • chạy vụt, lao nhanh
      • to fling out of the room: lao ra khỏi phòng
    • chửi mắng, nói nặng
      • to fling out: chửi mắng ầm ĩ
    • hất (ngựa)
    • ngoại động từ
      • ném, vứt, quăng, liệng, lao, tống
        • to fling something away: ném vật gì đi
        • to fling troops on enemy (against enemy position): lao quân vào kẻ địch (vào vị trí địch)
        • to fling oneself into a task: lao mình vào nhiệm vụ
        • to fling oneself on someone's pity: phó thác mình vào lòng thương của ai
        • to fling someone into prison: tống cổ ai vào tù
      • hất ngã
        • horse flings rider: ngựa hất ngã người cưỡi
      • đá hậu
      • vung (tay...); hất (đầu...)
      • đưa (mắt) nhìn lơ đãng
      • toà án, phát ra
        • flowers fling their fragrance around: hoa toả hương thơm
      • đẩy tung (cửa)
        • to fling door open: mở tung cửa
      • to fling caution to the wind
        • liều lĩnh, thục mạng
      • to fling facts in somebody's teeth
        • đưa việc ra để máng vào mặt ai
      • to fling oneself at someone's head
        • cố chài được ai lấy mình làm vợ

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb (flung, flung )
    1 [VN +adv./prep.] to throw sb/sth somewhere with force, especially because you are angry: Someone had flung a brick through the window. + He flung her to the ground. + She flung the letter down on the table. + The door was suddenly flung open. + I was flung forward by the impact. + He had his enemies flung into prison.
    2 [VN +adv./prep.] to move yourself or part of your body suddenly and with a lot of force: She flung herself onto the bed. + He flung out an arm to stop her from falling.
    3 ~ sth (at sb) to say sth to sb in an aggressive way: [VN] They were flinging insults at each other. [also V speech]
    See also - FAR-FLUNG
    Phrasal Verbs: fling yourself at sb (informal, disapproving) to make it too obvious to sb that you want to have a sexual relationship with them
    fling yourself into sth to start to do sth with a lot of energy and enthusiasm: They flung themselves into the preparations for the party.
    fling sth<->off / on (informal) to take off or put on clothing in a quick and careless way: He flung off his coat and collapsed on the sofa.
    fling sb<->out (BrE, informal) to make sb leave a place suddenly
    fling sth<->out (BrE, informal) to get rid of sth that you do not want any longer
    + noun [usually sing.] (informal)
    1 a short period of enjoyment when you do not allow yourself to worry or think seriously about anything: He was determined to have one last fling before retiring.
    2 ~ (with sb) a short sexual relationship with sb: We had a brief fling, but it's over now.
    See also - HIGHLAND FLING

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 toss, pitch, throw, cast, hurl, heave, sling, propel, fire, let fly, send, Colloq lob, chuck:
    The smugglers had flung the contraband into the sea.
    2 indulgence, debauch, binge, spree, party, Colloq blow-off:
    This will be my last fling before going into the army.
    3 gamble, risk, venture, attempt, try, go, shot, Colloq crack, whirl, bash:
    Her brief fling at an acting career was unsuccessful.

    Collocation dictionary


    brief | (one) final, (one) last
    The athlete will have one final fling (= participate in one final competition)before retirement.


    She's had her fling and now she's got to settle down.


    ~ with
    He had a fling with his neighbour's wife.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a usually brief attempt
    +a brief indulgence of your impulses
    +the act of flinging
    +throw with force or recklessness
    +move in an abrupt or headlong manner
    +indulge oneself
    +throw or cast away