
US: /fɫæmˈbɔɪənt/
UK: /flˈæmbɔ‍ɪənt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

flamboyant /flæm'bɔiənt/
  • tính từ
    • chói lọi, sặc sỡ, rực rỡ, loè loẹt
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) hoa mỹ, khoa trương, cường điệu, kêu
      • a flamboyant speech: bài nói khoa trương
    • (kiến trúc) có những đường sóng như ngọn lửa
    • danh từ
      • (thực vật học) cây phượng
      • hoa phượng

    Advanced English dictionary

    + adjective
    1 (of people or their behaviour) different, confident and exciting in a way that attracts attention: a flamboyant gesture / style / personality + He was flamboyant and temperamental on and off the stage.
    2 bright, colourful and noticeable: flamboyant clothes / designs
    flamboyance noun [U]: He lacked the flamboyance of other members of the band.
    flamboyantly adverb

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 elaborate, ornamented, ornate, decorated, embellished, baroque, rococo, florid:
    We chose a flamboyant wallpaper with purple peacocks.
    2 extravagant, ostentatious, showy, gaudy, flashy, dazzling, brilliant, splendid, dashing, rakish, swashbuckling, jaunty; high, wide, and handsome:
    With a flamboyant display of swordsmanship, d'Artagnan dispatched his attacker.

    Concise English dictionary

    +showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana
    +elaborately or excessively ornamented
    +richly and brilliantly colorful