
US: /ˈfænsi/
UK: /fˈænsi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

fancy /'fænsi/
  • danh từ
    • sự tưởng tượng
    • sự võ đoán
    • tính đồng bóng
    • ý muốn nhất thời
    • sở thích, thị hiếu
      • the fancy: những người hâm mộ (một môn thể thao gì); những người thích (một thú riêng gì); những người hâm mộ quyền Anh
  • tính từ
    • có trang hoàng, có trang trí
      • fancy dress: quần áo cải trang
      • fancy goods: hàng hoá có trang trí đẹp
    • nhiều màu (hoa)
    • lạ lùng, vô lý
      • at a fancy price: với giá đắt lạ lùng
    • đồng bóng
    • tưởng tượng
      • a fancy picture: bức tranh tưởng tượng
    • để làm cảnh, để trang hoàng
      • fancy pigeon: chim bồ câu nuôi làm cảnh
  • ngoại động từ
    • tưởng tượng, cho rằng, nghĩ rằng
    • mến, thích
    • nuôi (súc vật) làm cảnh, trồng (cây) làm cảnh
    • fancy!
      • ồ!
    • fancy his believing it!
      • hắn lại tin cái đó mới lạ chứ

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun, adjective
+ verb (fancies, fancying, fancied, fancied)
1 (BrE, informal) to want sth or want to do sth: [VN] Fancy a drink? + I fancied a change of scene. + She didn't fancy (= did not like) the idea of going home in the dark. + [V -ing] Do you fancy going out this evening?
2 [VN] (BrE, informal) to be sexually attracted to sb: I think she fancies me.
3 [VN] ~ yourself (BrE, informal, disapproving) to think that you are very popular, attractive or intelligent: He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself.
4 [VN-N] ~ yourself (as) sth (BrE) to like the idea of being sth or to believe, often wrongly, that you are sth: She fancies herself (as) a serious actress. + He fancied himself in love with me, the silly boy.
5 (Fancy!) (BrE, spoken, becoming old-fashioned) used to show that you are surprised or shocked by sth: [V] Fancy! She's never been in a plane before. + [V -ing] Fancy meeting you here! + [VN] 'She remembered my name after all those years.' 'Fancy that!'
6 (BrE) [VN] to think that sb will win or be successful at sth, especially in a race: Which horse do you fancy in the next race? + He's hoping to get the job but I don't fancy his chances.
7 [V (that)] (literary) to believe or imagine sth: She fancied (that) she heard footsteps behind her.
+ noun (plural fancies)
1 [C, U] something that you imagine; your imagination
Synonym: FANTASY
teenage / girlish fancies + night-time fancies that disappear in the morning + a child's wild flights of fancy
2 [sing.] a feeling that you would like to have or to do sth
Synonym: WHIM
She said she wanted a dog but it was only a passing fancy.
3 [C, usually pl.] (BrE) a small decorated cake
Idioms: as / whenever, etc. the fancy takes you as/whenever, etc. you feel like doing sth: We bought a camper van so we could go away whenever the fancy took us.
catch / take sb's fancy to attract or please sb: She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy.
take a fancy to sb/sth (especially BrE) to start liking sb/sth, often without an obvious reason: He's taken quite a fancy to his next-door neighbour.
more at TICKLE v.
+ adjective (fancier, fanciest)
1 unusually complicated, often in an unnecessary way: a kitchen full of fancy gadgets + They added a lot of fancy footwork to the dance.
Antonym: SIMPLE
2 [only before noun] (especially of small things) with a lot of decorations or bright colours: fancy goods (= things sold as ornaments or gifts) + He was the fanciest dresser in the room.
Compare: PLAIN
3 (sometimes disapproving) expensive or connected with an expensive way of life: fancy restaurants with fancy prices + Don't come back with any fancy ideas.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 ornate, decorative, decorated, ornamental, ornamented, elaborate, embellished, embroidered, fanciful, extravagant, rococo, baroque, gingerbread, Byzantine, complicated, intricate, complex:
The modern trend has been away from fancy architecture.
2 illusory, capricious, fanciful, extravagant, fantastic, far-fetched, delusive, whimsical, visionary, unrealistic, grandiose:
He has some fancy ideas about building an undersea city.
3 de luxe, luxury, luxurious, choice, select, prime, special, elegant, superior, quality, high-class; posh:
They stock only fancy fruits and vegetables. She has a fancy suite at the Cardigan Hotel.
4 high, exorbitant, inflated, outrageous:
One has to pay very fancy prices for haute couture.
5 imagination, creation, conception, inventiveness, creativeness, creativity:
These chimeras are entirely a product of his fancy.
6 imagination, fantasy, hallucination, delusion, illusion, unreality, make-believe, dream, day-dream, pipedream, mirage, phantasm, phantom, figment (of the imagination), impression:
Our plans for the future must be based on fact, not fancy.
7 liking, inclination, fondness, taste, penchant, attraction, preference, partiality, predilection, yearning, craving, hankering, wish, desire, longing:
Miss Crow's fancy for younger men often causes her some embarrassment.
8 idea, whim, caprice, whimsy, urge, impulse, notion, vagary, quirk, crotchet, peculiarity:
His fancy today is that he invented electricity.
9 imagine, conceive, picture, visualize, envisage, think or make up, conjure up, US envision, Colloq dream up:
He fancies himself on a big yacht in the Mediterranean.
10 think, imagine, understand, believe, suspect, guess, conjecture, presume, surmise, assume, take it, suppose, infer, reckon:
From his costume I fancy he must be Superman. Fancy Kim winning the Nobel prize!
11 like, be attracted to, take (a liking) to, desire, want, crave, long or pine for, have a yen or craving for, have an eye for, wish for, hunger for, favour, prefer, lust after:
Terry has always fancied tall women. I wouldn't fancy being 40 feet up a swaying ladder like that.

Concise English dictionary

+something many people believe that is false
+a kind of imagination that was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imagination
+a predisposition to like something
+imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
+have a fancy or particular liking or desire for
+not plain; decorative or ornamented