
US: /ˈfeɪs/
UK: /fˈe‍ɪs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

face /feis/
  • danh từ
    • mặt
      • to look somebody in the face: nhìn thẳng vào mặt ai
      • to show one's face: xuất đầu lộ diện, vác mặt đến
      • her face is her fortune: cô ta đẹp nhưng nghèo; tất cả vốn liếng cô ta là ở bộ mặt
    • vẻ mặt
      • to pull (wear) a long face: mặt buồn thườn thượt, mặt dài ra
    • thể diện, sĩ diện
      • to save one's face: gỡ thể diện, giữ thể diện
      • to lose face: mất mặt, mất thể diện
    • bộ mặt, bề ngoài, mã ngoài
      • to put a new face on something: thay đổi bộ mặt của cái gì, đưa cái gì ra dưới một bộ mặt mới
      • on the face of it: cứ theo bề ngoài mà xét thì
      • to put a good face on a matter: tô son điểm phấn cho một vấn đề; vui vẻ chịu đựng một việc gì
      • to put a bold face on something: can đảm chịu đựng (đương đầu với) cái gì
    • bề mặt
      • the face of the earth: bề mặt của trái đất
    • mặt trước, mặt phía trước
    • face to face
      • đối diện
    • to fly in the face of
      • ra mặt chống đối, công khai chống đối
    • to go with wind in one's face
      • đi ngược gió
    • to have the face to do something
      • mặt dạn mày dày mà làm việc gì, có đủ trơ trẽn mà làm việc gì
    • in face of
      • trước mặt, đứng trước
    • in the face of
      • mặc dầu
    • in the face of day
      • một cách công khai
    • to make (pull) faces
      • nhăn mặt
    • to set one's face against
      • chống đối lại
    • to somebody's face
      • công khai trước mặt ai
  • ngoại động từ
    • đương đầu, đối phó
      • to face up to: đương đầu với
    • đứng trước mặt, ở trước mặt
      • the problem that faces us: vấn đề trước mắt chúng ta
    • lật (quân bài)
    • nhìn về, hướng về, quay về
      • this house faces south: nhà này quay về hướng nam
    • đối diện
      • to face page 20: đối diện trang 20
    • (thể dục,thể thao) đặt ((nghĩa bóng)) ở giữa hai cầu thủ của hai bên (để bắt đầu thi đấu bóng gậy cong trên băng)
    • (quân sự) ra lệnh quay
      • to face one's men about: ra lệnh cho quân quay ra đằng sau
    • viền màu (cổ áo, cửa tay)
    • bọc, phủ, tráng
    • hồ (chè)
    • nội động từ
      • (quân sự) quay
        • left face!: quay bên trái!
        • about face!: quay đằng sau!
      • to face out a situatin
        • vượt qua một tình thế
      • to face out something
        • làm xong xuôi cái gì đến cùng

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    front of head
    1 the front part of the head between the forehead and the chin: a pretty / round / freckled face + He buried his face in his hands. + You should have seen the look on her face when I told her! + The expression on his face never changed. + At that time, her face was on the covers of all the magazines.
    2 an expression that is shown on sb's face: a sad / happy / smiling face + Her face lit up (= showed happiness) when she spoke of the past. + His face fell (= showed disappointment, sadness, etc.) when he read the headlines. + Sue's face was a picture (= she looked very surprised, angry, etc.) as she listened to her husband's speech.
    3 (in adjectives) having the type of face or expression mentioned: pale-faced + grim-faced
    4 (in compounds) used to refer to a person of the type mentioned: She looked around for a familiar face. + a well-known face on our television screens + It's nice to see some new faces here this evening. + I'm fed up of seeing the same old faces every time we go out!
    side / surface
    5 a side or surface of sth: the north face of the mountain + The birds build their nests in the rock face. + Ivy covered the front face of the house. + How many faces does a cube have?
    See also - COALFACE
    front of clock
    6 the front part of a clock or watch
    character / aspect
    7 ~ of sth (written) the particular character of sth: the changing face of Britain
    8 ~ of sth a particular aspect of sth: the unacceptable face of capitalism
    Idioms: disappear / vanish off the face of the earth to disappear completely: Keep looking-they can't just have vanished off the face of the earth.
    sb's face doesn't fit used to say that sb will not get a particular job or position because they do not have the appearance, personality, etc. that the employer wants, even when this should not be important: It doesn't matter how qualified you are, if your face doesn't fit, you don't stand a chance.
    sb's face is like thunder
    sb has a face like thunder sb looks very angry
    face to face (with sb) close to and looking at sb: The two have never met face to face before. + The room fell silent as she came face to face with the man who had tried to kill her.
    face to face with sth in a situation where you have to accept that sth is true and deal with it: She was at an early age brought face to face with the horrors of war.
    face up / down
    1 (of a person) with your face and stomach facing upwards/downwards: She lay face down on the bed.
    2 (of a playing card) with the number or picture facing upwards/downwards: Place the card face up on the pile.
    have the face to do sth (BrE, informal) to do sth that other people think is rude or shows a lack of respect without feeling embarrassed or ashamed: I don't know how you have the face to complain after everything they've done for you!
    in the face of sth
    1 in spite of problems, difficulties, etc: She showed great courage in the face of danger. + The campaign continued in the face of great opposition.
    2 as a result of sth: He was unable to deny the charges in the face of new evidence.
    lose face to be less respected or look stupid because of sth you have done
    on the face of it (informal) used to say that sth seems to be good, true, etc. but that this opinion may need to be changed when you know more about it: On the face of it, it seems like a great deal. + What may, on the face of it, seem obvious often turns out to be far more complicated.
    pull / make faces / a face (at sb) to produce an expression on your face to show that you do not like sb/sth or in order to make sb laugh: What are you pulling a face at now? + Do you think it's funny to make faces behind my back?
    put your face on (informal) to put on MAKE-UP
    set your face against sb/sth (written, especially BrE) to be determined to oppose sb/sth: Her father had set his face against the marriage.
    to sb's face if you say sth to sb's face, you say it to them directly rather than to other people: He's a liar, and I've told him so to his face many times.
    Compare: BEHIND SB'S BACK
    what's his / her face (spoken) used to refer to a person whose name you cannot remember: Are you still working for what's her face?
    more at BLOW v., BLUE adj., BRAVE adj., DOOR n., FEED v., EGG n., EYE n., FLAT adv., FLY v., LAUGH v., LONG adj., NOSE n., PLAIN adj., PRETTY adj., SAVE v., SHOW v., SHUT v., SLAP n., STARE v., STRAIGHT n., WIPE v., WRITE
    + verb
    be opposite
    1 to be opposite sb/sth; to have your face or front pointing towards sb/sth or in a particular direction: [VN] She turned and faced him. + Most of the rooms face the sea. + [V +adv./prep.] The terrace faces south. + a north-facing wall + Stand with your feet apart and your hands facing upwards. + Which direction are you facing?
    sb / sth difficult
    2 [VN] if you face a particular situation, or it faces you, you have to deal with it: the problems faced by one-parent families + The company is facing a financial crisis. + She's faced with a difficult decision.
    3 [VN] to accept that a difficult situation exists, although you would prefer not to: It's not always easy to face the truth. + She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever. + Face facts-she isn't coming back. + Let's face it, we're not going to win.
    4 if you can't face sth unpleasant, you feel unable or unwilling to deal with it: [VN] I just can't face work today. + [V -ing] I can't face seeing them.
    5 [VN] to talk to or deal with sb, even though this is difficult or unpleasant: How can I face Tom? He'll be so disappointed.
    cover surface
    6 [VN] to cover a surface with another material: a brick building faced with stone
    Idioms: face the music (informal) to accept and deal with criticism or punishment for sth you have done: The others all ran off, leaving me to face the music.
    Phrasal Verbs: face sb<->down to oppose or beat sb by dealing with them directly and confidently
    face off (especially AmE)
    1 to start a game such as ice hockey: Both teams are ready to face off.
    2 to get ready to argue, fight or compete with sb: The candidates are preparing to face off on TV tonight.
    related noun FACE-OFF
    face up to sth to accept and deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant: She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again. + You have to face up to your responsibilities.
    expressions on your face
    To beam is to have a big happy smile on your face.
    To frown is to make a serious, angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead.
    To glare or glower is to look in an angry, aggressive way.
    To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.
    To scowl is to look at someone in an angry or annoyed way.
    To smirk is to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know something that other people do not know, etc.
    To sneer is to show that you have no respect for someone by turning your upper lip upwards.
    These words can also be used as nouns: She looked up with a puzzled frown. + He gave me an icy glare. + a grimace of pain.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 visage, countenance, physiognomy, features, lineaments, Slang mug, mush, kisser, pan, puss, Brit phiz, phizog, dial, clock:
    I don't like the expression on your face.
    2 look, appearance, aspect, expression, mien:
    He has the face of someone who is very proud of himself. Modern farming has changed the face of the countryside.
    3 mask, veneer, façade, front, camouflage, pretence, disguise, (false) impression, semblance, masquerade:
    She puts on a bold face, but we know she was deeply hurt by your remarks.
    4 dignity, image, self-respect, standing, reputation, repute, name, honour, status:
    You might lose face if you admit you were wrong.
    5 boldness, daring, audacity, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, presumption, brashness, Colloq gall, brass, nerve, cheek, guts, gutsiness, Brit brass neck, Slang US balls:
    Who would have the face to name such a hotel 'The Palace'?
    6 surface, exterior, front, outside, cover, facing, façade, skin:
    The building will have a face of white marble.
    7 right side, obverse, front; dial:
    The card landed face up. The face of the clock is enamelled.
    8 face to face. confronting, facing, opposite, en face, vis-à-vis, tête-à-tête, a deux, eye to eye, head to head, Colloq eyeball to eyeball:
    We met face to face for the first time in the courtroom.
    9 in the face of. in defiance of, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, confronting, in opposition to:
    Some experts attacked the report for flying in the face of received wisdom.
    10 make a face. grimace, change one's expression, murgeon:
    When I said I would be there, she made a face.
    11 on the face of it. to all or outward appearances, seemingly, apparently, superficially, evidently:
    On the face of it, I assumed that he was guilty.
    12 show one's face. put in or make an appearance, appear, arrive, be seen, turn up, Colloq show up:
    I suppose I ought to show my face at the office party.
    13 to one's face. directly, brazenly, eye to eye, face to face, candidly, openly, frankly:
    I told him to his face that he was a liar.
    14 confront, brave, meet (with), encounter, experience, deal or cope with, come or go up against; appear before:
    In the jungle we faced grave danger from man-eating tigers. She faces her first audience tonight.
    15 give (out) or front on or onto, front towards, overlook, look out on or over; be opposite:
    Our rooms face the lake. Facing page 22 is a map of the area.
    16 coat, surface, cover, clad, dress, sheathe, overlay, finish; veneer:
    The collar is faced with velvet.
    17 face down. confront, intimidate, cow, subdue, overawe, browbeat:
    I'll not be faced down by that impudent clerk.
    18 face up to.
    (a) admit, accept, acknowledge, allow, confess:
    We must all face up to our own shortcomings.
    (b) confront, deal or cope with, come or go up against, brave, come to terms with; brazen through or out, bite (on) the bullet, grasp the nettle:
    You wouldn't be able to face up to your wife if you'd forgotten her birthday.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 front part of the head


    angelic, beautiful, handsome, lovely, pleasant, pretty, sweet | plain, ugly, terrible | colourless, grey, pale, pallid, white | flushed, pink, red, ruddy
    Her face was flushed after her run.
    | tanned | dark | sallow | heart-shaped, oval, round, square | bearded, freckled, unshaven | lined, wrinkled | pock-marked, raddled | fat, plump
    She had a plump, pretty face.
    | gaunt, haggard, lean, pinched, thin, wizened | craggy, rugged
    a craggy face with deep-set eyes and bushy brows
    | elfin
    Her short hair suited her elfin face.
    | painted | happy, smiling | tear-stained, tear-streaked | human


    tilt, turn
    She turned her face away. He tilted her face up to his.


    look, peer, stare
    A face peered round the door at him.


    in the/sb's ~
    The ball hit him in the face. His eyes were sunken in his gaunt face.
    | on the/sb's ~
    She put some powder on her face.


    a sea of faces
    (= a large crowd of faces)From the stage, he looked down at a sea of faces.

    2 expression on sb's face


    animated, cheerful, friendly, grinning, happy, radiant, smiling | anxious, frightened, troubled | angry, furious | hard, set, stern
    His face was set and hard.
    | grave, serious | long, sad
    The news for the company isn't good, judging from the long faces in the boardroom.
    | funny
    She made a funny face and gave a snorting sort of laugh.
    | honest, kind | expectant | rapt | expressive, open
    She looked at the honest, open face of her husband.
    | blank, expressionless, impassive
    His face remained impassive, so strong was his self-control.


    make, pull
    What are you pulling a face at now?
    | search
    He searched her face for some clue as to what she meant.


    brighten, glow, light up
    Her little face lit up when I gave her the present.
    | beam, smile
    The face smiled benignly at him.
    | cloud, crumple, drop, fall
    Her face crumpled and she started crying. ‘I can't come,’ she said. His face fell.
    | clear
    His face cleared and she smiled back.
    | darken, harden, set
    Her face darkened with anger. His face set in grim lines.
    | soften
    The father's face softened as he hugged his little boy.
    | flame, flush, go red, redden
    Jack's face flushed with embarrassment.
    | pale
    Her face paled with fright.
    | contort, crease, pucker, tighten, twist
    Her face contorted in pain.
    | betray sth, reveal sth
    Her face betrayed no emotion at all.


    on sb's ~
    She had a bigsmile on her face.


    a face like thunder
    (= a very angry face)Mr Hibbs came in with a face like thunder.

    3 front part/side of sth


    front, rear | North, South, etc. | steep
    We slowly climbed the steep face of the crag.
    | cliff, rock | clock


    face down/downwards, face up/upwards
    She placed the cards face downwards on the table.

    4 person


    familiar, (same) old
    I looked around for a familiar face. I'm so bored with seeing the same old faces!
    | different, fresh, new, strange, unfamiliar | famous, well-known
    a restaurant where you often see famous faces



    5 particular character/aspect of sth


    bureaucracy with a human face
    | acceptable | unacceptable
    Social deprivation is the unacceptable face of capitalism.
    | true | changing
    the changing face of Britain

    Concise English dictionary

    +the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear
    +the feelings expressed on a person's face
    +the general outward appearance of something
    +the striking or working surface of an implement
    +a part of a person that is used to refer to a person
    +a surface forming part of the outside of an object
    +the part of an animal corresponding to the human face
    +the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object)
    +a contorted facial expression
    +a specific size and style of type within a type family
    +status in the eyes of others
    +impudent aggressiveness
    +a vertical surface of a building or cliff
    +deal with (something unpleasant) head on
    +oppose, as in hostility or a competition
    +be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to
    +be opposite
    +turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction
    +present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize
    +turn so as to expose the face
    +line the edge (of a garment) with a different material
    +cover the front or surface of