
US: /ˈɛɫdɝ/
UK: /ˈɛldɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

elder /'eldə/
  • tính từ
    • nhiều tuổi hơn
      • elder brother: anh
  • danh từ
    • người nhiều tuổi hơn
    • (số nhiều) bậc huynh trưởng
    • danh từ
      • (thực vật học) cây cơm cháy

    Advanced English dictionary

    adjective, noun
    + adjective
    1 [only before noun] (of people, especially two members of the same family) older: my elder brother + his elder sister
    2 (the elder) used without a noun immediately after it to show who is the older of two people: the elder of their two sons
    3 (the elder) (formal) used before or after sb's name to show that they are the older of two people who have the same name: the elder Pitt + Pitt the elder
    Compare: the younger at YOUNG adj. (6) - OLD
    + noun
    1 (elders) [pl.] people of greater age, experience and authority: Children have no respect for their elders nowadays. + the village elders (= the old and respected people of the village) + Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe.
    2 (my, etc. elder) [sing.] (formal) a person older than me, etc: He is her elder by several years.
    3 [C] an official in some Christian churches
    4 [C] a small tree with white flowers with a sweet smell (elderflowers) and bunches of small black berries (elderberries)
    Idioms: your elders and betters people who are older and wiser than you and whom you should respect

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 older, senior:
    My elder brother was born in 1930.
    2 venerable, respected, (pre-)eminent; experienced, veteran:
    Clemenceau was an elder statesman at the Geneva Convention.
    3 senior, superior; patriarch, elder statesman, dean, doyen or doyenne:
    Everyone paid great respect to the elders of the tribe.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a person who is older than you are
    +any of numerous shrubs or small trees of temperate and subtropical northern hemisphere having white flowers and berrylike fruit
    +any of various church officers
    +used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son
    +past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')
    +(used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age
    +of long duration; not new
    +(used for emphasis) very familiar
    +just preceding something else in time or order
    +of a very early stage in development
    +old in experience
    +belonging to some prior time
    +(used informally especially for emphasis)