
US: /ˈdɪstəns/
UK: /dˈɪstəns/

English Vietnamese dictionary

distance /'distəns/
  • danh từ
    • khoảng cách, tầm xa
      • beyond striking distance: quá tầm với tay đánh được
      • beyond listening distance: quá tầm nghe thấy được
      • within striking distance: trong tầm tay đánh được
      • within listening distance: trong tầm nghe thấy được
    • khoảng (thời gian)
      • at this distance of time: vào khoảng thời gian đó
      • the distance between two events: khoảng thời gian giữa hai sự việc
    • quãng đường; (thể dục,thể thao) quãng đường chạy đua (dài 240 iat)
      • to go part of the distance on foot: đi bộ một phần quãng đường
      • to hit the distance: (thể dục,thể thao) chạy đua một quãng đường
    • nơi xa, đằng xa, phía xa
      • in the distance: ở đằng xa
      • from the distance: từ đằng xa
    • thái độ cách biệt, thái độ xa cách; sự cách biệt, sự xa cách
      • to keep one's distance: giữ thái độ cách biệt
      • to keep someone at a distance: không cho ai lại gần; giữ thái độ xa cách đối với ai
    • (hội họa) cảnh xa (của một bức hoạ)
    • (âm nhạc) khoảng cách (giữa hai nốt)
    • ngoại động từ
      • để ở xa, đặt ở xa
      • làm xa ra; làm dường như ở xa
      • bỏ xa (trong cuộc chạy đua, cuộc thi...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 [C, U] the amount of space between two places or things: a short / long distance + the distance of the earth from the sun + a distance of 200 kilometres + What's the distance between New York City and Boston / from New York City to Boston? + In the US, distance is measured in miles. + The beach is within walking distance of my house (= you can walk there easily). + Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job. + Our parents live some distance away (= quite far away).
    2 [U] being far away in space or in time: Distance is no problem on the Internet.
    3 [sing.] a point that is a particular amount of space away from sth else: You'll never get the ball in from that distance.
    4 [U, C] a situation in which there is a lack of friendly feelings or of a close relationship between two people or groups of people: There was a growing distance between the two sides of the family. + The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.
    Idioms: at / from a distance from a place or time that is not near; from far away: She had loved him at a distance for years.
    go the (full) distance to continue playing in a competition or sports contest until the end: Nobody thought he would last 15 rounds but he went the full distance.
    in / into the distance far away but still able to be seen or heard: We saw lights in the distance. + Alice stood staring into the distance. + Five miles of sand stretched away into the distance.
    keep sb at a distance to refuse to be friendly with sb; to not let sb be friendly towards you: The manager prefers to keep employees at a distance.
    keep your distance (from sb/sth)
    1 to make sure you are not too near sb/sth
    2 to avoid getting too friendly or involved with a person, group, etc: She was warned to keep her distance from Charles if she didn't want to get hurt.
    more at SHOUTING, SPIT v., STRIKE v.
    + verb [VN] ~ yourself sb/sth (from sb/sth) to become less involved or connected with sb/sth: When he retired, he tried to distance himself from politics. + It's not always easy for nurses to distance themselves emotionally.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 remoteness, space, gap, interval, mileage, footage, stretch:
    What is the distance from here to your house?
    2 aloofness, detachment, reserve, coolness, haughtiness, hauteur, stiffness, rigidity:
    He maintains a distance between himself and the servants.
    3 separate, detach, dissociate, disassociate:
    She distanced herself from her students.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 amount of space between two points


    appreciable, considerable, enormous, fair, good, great, huge, large, long, vast
    The town is a considerable distance from the coast. It's quite a good distance to the nearest village. The people travel vast distances to find food.
    | short, small | reasonable | certain, given | average, mean
    the average distance covered during pursuits by cheetahs
    | equal | maximum, minimum | optimum | correct, right | exact | full | extra | fixed | finite, infinite | careful, comfortable, convenient, discreet, respectful, safe
    The cat sat and watched us from a safe distance.
    | braking, stopping
    Allow for greater braking distances when pulling a loaded trailer.
    | geographical, physical
    These immigrants face problems of geographical distance and cultural isolation.


    cover, fly, go, travel, walk
    The young birds were soon flying distances of 200 feet or more.

    (figurative) Nobody thought he would last 15 rounds but he went the full distance.

    | keep
    I kept a comfortable distance behind the van.
    | determine, measure | gauge, judge
    It is very difficult to judge distances in the desert.


    runner, running
    a long-distance runner


    at a ~ (from/of)
    When launching a kick it is essential to be at the correct distance from your opponent. The town is situated at a distance of twenty miles from Oxford. She followed them at a discreet distance.
    | from a ~ (of)
    Visitors can only view the painting from a distance of three metres.
    | over a ~ (of)
    The sound can be heard over a distance of more than five miles.
    | within a ~
    children living within a certain distance of the school
    | ~ away from
    The house is a short distance away from the bus station.
    | ~ between
    What's the distance between London and Edinburgh?
    | ~ from, ~ to
    the distance from our house to the school


    a … distance ahead, away, apart, etc.
    A bomb exploded some distance away.
    | within commuting/driving/strolling/travelling/wal distance
    The shops are within walking distance.
    | within hailing/shouting/sniffing/spitting/striking/ distance
    The cat was now within striking distance of the duck.

    (figurative) We came within spitting distance of winning the cup.

    2 point a long way away/being far away


    far, middle
    I could just see the hills in the far distance.
    | blue
    (literary) The moors stretched away into the blue distance (= the sky).


    The Open University offers a wide range of distance learning programmes.
    | vision
    to have good distance vision


    at a ~
    At a distance it is difficult to make out the detail on the building.
    | from a ~
    We admired the palace from a distance.
    | in the ~
    In the distance was a small village.

    3 not being too closely involved


    critical, professional | emotional, psychological, social


    keep, maintain
    She was warned to keep her distance from Charles if she didn't want to get hurt. Sociologists must maintain critical distance from the ideas of society at any particular time.


    ~ from
    He felt a sense of distance from the others.


    a sense of distance

    Concise English dictionary

    +the property created by the space between two objects or points
    +a distant region
    +size of the gap between two places
    +indifference by personal withdrawal
    +the interval between two times
    +a remote point in time
    +keep at a distance
    +go far ahead of