
US: /dɪˈɹeɪndʒd/
UK: /dɪɹˈe‍ɪnd‍ʒd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

deranged /di'reindʤd/
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Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
unable to behave and think normally, especially because of mental illness: mentally deranged + a deranged attacker / mind / laugh
derangement noun [U]: He seemed to be on the verge of total derangement.

Thesaurus dictionary

mad, insane, demented, lunatic, unhinged, unbalanced, berserk, crazy, crazed, psychotic, irrational, non compos mentis, out of one's mind or senses or head, not all there, of unsound mind, crack-brained, mad as a hatter or March hare, off the rails, Colloq touched, dotty, daft, cracked, bats, cuckoo, Brit potty, US have nobody home (upstairs), out to lunch, off-the-wall; Slang bonkers, dippy, barmy or balmy, batty, screwy, loony, nuts, nutty, wacky, bananas, off one's rocker, off one's trolley, mental, missing a few marbles, not having all one's marbles, kooky, with a screw loose, Chiefly Brit off one's chump, Chiefly US (plumb) loco, meshuga:
Police said that the killer was completely deranged and should be approached with caution.

Collocation dictionary


be, seem | become


a bit, slightly | mentally
They took her into hospital because she was mentally deranged.

Concise English dictionary

+driven insane