
US: /ˈdɛd/
UK: /dˈɛd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

dead /ded/
  • tính từ
    • chết (người, vật, cây cối)
      • to strike somebody dead: đánh ai chết tươi
      • to shoot somebody dead: bắn chết ai
    • tắt, tắt ngấm
      • dead fire: lửa tắt
      • dead volcano: núi lửa tắt ngấm
      • dead valve: bóng đèn (rađiô) cháy (không dùng được nữa)
    • chết, không hoạt động; không sinh sản; hết hiệu lực; không dùng được nữa
      • dead money: tiền để nằm chết, không sinh lợi
      • dead stock: vốn chết; hàng không bán được
      • a dead spring: lò xo hết đàn hồi
      • dead axle: trục không xoay được nữa
      • the motor is dead: động cơ ngừng chạy
      • dead language: từ ngữ
      • dead window: cửa sổ giả
    • tê cóng, tê bại, tê liệt
      • my fingers are dead: ngón tay tôi tê cóng đi
    • xỉn, không bóng (màu, vàng...); đục, không vang (âm thanh...)
      • dead gold: vàng xỉn
      • dead sound: tiếng đục không vang
    • không màng đến, không biết đến, chai điếng, điếc đặc không chịu nghe
      • dead to honour: không màng danh vọng
      • dead to reason: điếc đặc không chịu nghe lẽ phải
      • dead to all sense of honour: không còn biết thế nào là danh dự nữa
    • thình lình, hoàn toàn
      • to come a dead stop: đứng sững lại
      • a dead faint: sự chết ngất
      • dead calm: sự hoàn toàn lặng gió (biển)
      • dead silence: sự im phăng phắc
      • dead failure: thất bại hoàn toàn
      • dead certainty: sự tin chắc hoàn toàn; điều hoàn toàn chắc chắn
    • (điện học) không có thế hiệu
    • dead above the ears
      • dead from the neck up
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) ngu xuẩn, đần độn
      • dead and gone
        • đã chết và chôn
      • đã qua từ lâu
      • đã bỏ đi không dùng đến từ lâu
      • [as] dead as a doornail (a herring, a nit, mutton, Julius Caesar)
        • chết thật rồi, chết cứng ra rồi
      • deal marines (men)
        • (thông tục) chai không, chai đã uống hết
      • more deal than alive
        • gần chết, thừa sống thiếu chết; chết giấc, bất tỉnh nhân sự
      • deal men tell no tales
        • người chết thì không còn tiết lộ bí mật được nữa
    • danh từ
      • (the dead) những người đã chết, những người đã khuất
      • giữa
        • in the dead of winter: giữa mùa đông
        • in the dead of night: lúc nửa đêm, lúc đêm khuya thanh vắng
      • let the dead bury the dead
        • hãy để cho quá khứ chôn vùi quá khứ đi; hãy quên quá khứ đi
      • on the dead
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) nhất định, kiên quyết
      • đứng đắn, không đùa
      • phó từ
        • đúng vào, ngay vào, thẳng vào
          • dead in the centre: đúng ngay vào giữa
          • dead on time: đúng giờ
          • the wind was dead agianst us: gió tạt thẳng vào mặt chúng tôi
        • hoàn toàn
          • dead asleep: ngủ say như chết
          • dead drunk: say bí tỉ, say không biết gì trời đất
          • dead tired: mệt rã rời
        • hằn lại, sững lại
          • to stop dead: đứng sững lại
        • to be dead against somebody
          • kiên quyết phản đối ai

    Advanced English dictionary

    adjective, noun, adverb
    + adjective
    not alive
    1 no longer alive: My mother's dead; she died in 1987. + a dead person / animal + dead leaves / wood / skin + He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home. + Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed. + He dropped dead (= died suddenly) last week. + The poor child looks more dead than alive. + (figurative) In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician.
    idea / belief / plan
    2 [not before noun] no longer believed in or aimed for: Many believe the peace plan is dead. + Unfortunately racism is not yet dead. + Though the idea may be dead, it is far from being buried (= people still talk about it, even though there is nothing new to say).
    not used
    3 belonging to the past; no longer practised or fashionable: Is the Western a dead art form? + a dead language (= one that is no longer spoken, for example Latin) + By the seventies the suit was dead, kept for weddings, funerals and job interviews.
    4 (informal) finished; not able to be used any more: dead matches + There were two dead bottles of wine on the table.
    5 (of machines or equipment) not working because of a lack of power: a dead battery / engine + The hard disk seems to be dead. + Suddenly the phone went dead.
    6 (informal, disapproving) very quiet, without activity or interest: There were no theatres, no cinemas, no coffee bars. It was dead as anything.
    7 (informal, disapproving) without activity; with nobody buying or selling anything: 'The market is absolutely dead this morning,' said one foreign exchange trader. + Winter is traditionally the dead season for the housing market.
    8 [not usually before noun] (informal) extremely tired; not well: half dead with cold and hunger + She felt dead on her feet and didn't have the energy to question them further.
    without feeling
    9 [not before noun] (of a part of the body) unable to feel because of cold, etc.
    Synonym: NUMB
    My left arm had gone dead.
    10 to sth unable to feel or understand emotions
    Synonym: INSENSITIVE
    He was dead to all feelings of pity.
    11 (especially of sb's voice, eyes or face) showing no emotion
    She said, 'I'm sorry, too,' in a quiet, dead voice. + His usually dead grey eyes were sparkling.
    complete / exact
    12 [only before noun] complete or exact: a dead silence / calm + the dead centre of the target + The car gave a sudden jerk and came to a dead stop. + (BrE) This horse is a dead cert for (= will certainly win) the race tomorrow. + She crumpled to the floor in a dead faint (= completely unconscious).
    never alive
    13 never having been alive: dead matter (= for example rock) + a dead planet (= one with no life on it)
    in sport
    14 outside the playing area
    Idioms: be a dead ringer for sb (informal) to look very like sb: She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know.
    (as) dead as a / the dodo (BrE, informal) completely dead; no longer interesting or valid: In the second half both teams made substitutions to try and liven things up, but the game was as dead as a dodo.
    (as) dead as a doornail (informal) completely dead
    a dead duck (informal) a plan, an event, etc. that has failed or is certain to fail and that is therefore not worth discussing
    be dead and gone (informal) to be dead: You'll be sorry you said that when I'm dead and gone.
    the dead hand of sth (written) an influence that controls or restricts sth: We need to free business from the dead hand of bureaucracy.
    dead in the water a person or plan that is dead in the water has failed and has little hope of succeeding in the future: His leadership campaign is dead in the water.
    dead meat (informal) in serious trouble: If anyone finds out, you're dead meat.
    dead to the world fast asleep
    over my dead body (spoken) used to show you are strongly opposed to sth: She moves into our home over my dead body.
    sb wouldn't be seen / caught dead ... (spoken) used to say that you would not like to wear particular clothes, or to be in a particular situation: She wouldn't be seen dead in a hat. + He wouldn't be caught dead going to a club with his mother.
    more at FLOG, KNOCK v.
    + noun (the dead)
    1 [pl.] people who have died: The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6 000.
    2 [sing.] the state of being dead: Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. + (figurative) In nine years he has brought his party back from the dead almost to the brink of power.
    Idioms: in the dead of night (BrE also at dead of night) in the quietest part of the night: I crept out of bed in the dead of night and sneaked downstairs.
    in the dead of winter in the coldest part of winter
    + adverb (informal)
    1 completely; exactly: You're dead right! + (BrE) a dead straight road + (BrE) The train was dead on time. + He's dead against the idea. + The sight made him stop dead in his tracks (= stop suddenly). + She's dead set on getting (= determined to get) this new job.
    2 (BrE, informal) very; extremely: The instructions are dead easy to follow. + You were dead lucky to get that job. + I was dead scared.
    Idioms: cut sb dead (BrE) to pretend not to have seen sb; to refuse to greet sb: She saw me, recognized me and cut me dead.
    more at RIGHT n.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 deceased, defunct, extinct, gone, departed, late, lifeless, no more, Colloq done for, Slang Brit gone for a burton:
    Both his parents are dead, and his only brother lives in Australia. Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime.
    2 insensate, insensible, numb, paralysed, benumbed, unfeeling:
    After the accident, my left thumb was completely dead.
    3 insensible, unconscious, out, dead to the world, deathlike, deathly:
    At the news of her son, she fell in a dead faint.
    4 insensitive, unemotional, unfeeling, emotionless, apathetic, lukewarm, cool, cold, frigid, unresponsive, unsympathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested; numb, wooden, callous, hardened, impervious, inured, inert:
    He has always been dead to others' problems.
    5 out, smothered, extinguished:
    The fire is dead.
    6 inanimate, lifeless, inert, inorganic:
    Dead stones speak volumes to the geologist.
    7 extinct, obsolete, perished, past, outmoded, disused, expired, passé:
    Latin is a dead language.
    8 barren, unfruitful, infertile, unproductive:
    That area off the coast is dead as far as fishing goes.
    9 tired (out), exhausted, worn out, fatigued, tired out, spent, collapsing, in a state of collapse, Slang bushed, beat, Brit knackered, US and Canadian pooped:
    We were completely dead after the hike into town.
    10 dull, lustreless, flat, neutral, vapid, empty, bland, colourless, grey, beige, dun:
    The walls of the prison were painted a dead white.
    11 stagnant, motionless, still, standing, static, inert, unmoving, inactive, quiet, calm:
    There were small pools of dead water covered with a green slime. Without a breath of air stirring, the boat was dead in the water.
    12 boring, dull, tedious, tiresome, monotonous, prosaic, uninteresting, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, commonplace, dry, insipid, bland, flat, two-dimensional, lifeless, stiff, rigid, stony:
    The play was bad, the performance dead.
    13 dull, muffled, deadened, anechoic, unresounding, non-resonant:
    One room in the laboratory was built to be dead to all sound.
    14 complete, entire, total, absolute, downright, thorough, through and through, utter, all-out, out-and-out, unqualified, unrelieved, unbroken, categorical, outright:
    My investment in the anti-gravity pill has so far been a dead loss.
    15 profound, deep:
    I fell into a dead sleep.
    16 sudden, abrupt, complete, full:
    The train came to a dead stop.
    17 certain, sure, unerring, exact, precise, accurate, crack:
    According to the records, Calamity Jane was a dead shot.
    18 completely, entirely, absolutely, totally, utterly, categorically, thoroughly, unconditionally, unqualifiedly:
    You are dead right about Pontefract.
    19 completely, entirely, absolutely, totally; abruptly, suddenly:
    He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me.
    20 directly, exactly, precisely:
    An enormous maelstrom lay dead ahead of the fragile craft.
    21 depth(s), extreme, midst, middle:
    She used to visit his room in the dead of night.

    Collocation dictionary


    be, lie
    His wife lay dead beside him.
    | look | sham
    The animal will sometimes escape danger by shamming dead.
    | drop
    He just dropped dead one day in his garden.
    | shoot sb, strike sb
    Gunmen shot dead a policeman. She had been struck dead by lightning.
    | find sb
    The woman was found dead with a rope round her neck.
    | declare sb, pronounce sb
    She was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.


    I'm afraid he's quite dead.


    dead and buried
    (figurative) In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician.
    | dead and gone
    That won't happen until long after I'm dead and gone.
    | dead or alive
    We didn't know whether the fish was dead or alive.
    | more dead than alive
    Poor child, she looks more dead than alive.

    Concise English dictionary

    +people who are no longer living
    +a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense
    +no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
    +not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat
    +very tired
    +unerringly accurate
    +physically inactive
    +not endowed with life
    +(followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive
    +devoid of physical sensation; numb
    +lacking acoustic resonance
    +not yielding a return
    +not circulating or flowing
    +out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown
    +not surviving in active use
    +lacking resilience or bounce
    +no longer in force or use; inactive
    +no longer having force or relevance
    +sudden and complete
    +drained of electric charge; discharged
    +lacking animation or excitement or activity
    +devoid of activity
    +quickly and without warning
    +completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers