
US: /ˈkɹɑp/
UK: /kɹˈɒp/

English Vietnamese dictionary

crop /krɔp/
  • danh từ
    • vụ, mùa; thu hoạch của một vụ
      • potato crop: vụ khoai
    • (số nhiều) cây trồng
      • technical (industrial) crops: cây công nghiệp
    • cụm, nhom, loạt, tập
      • a crop of questions: một loạt câu hỏi
      • a crop of bills: tập hoá đơn
    • (động vật học) diều (chim)
    • tay cầm (của roi da)
    • sự cắt tóc ngắn
      • to have a close crop: cắt tóc ngắn quá
    • bộ da thuộc
    • đoạn cắt bỏ đầu, khúc cắt bỏ đầu
    • thịt bả vai (bò ngựa)
    • neck and crop
      • toàn bộ, toàn thể
    • land in crop; land under crop
      • đất đang được trồng trọt cày cấy
    • land out of crop
      • đất bỏ hoá
  • ngoại động từ
    • gặm (cỏ)
    • gặt; hái
    • gieo, trồng (ruộng đất)
      • to crop a land with potatoes: trồng khoai một thửa ruộng
    • xén, hớt, cắt ngắn (tai, đuôi, tóc, mép sách, hàng rào...)
    • nội động từ
      • thu hoạch
        • the beans crop ped well this year: năm nay đậu thu hoạch tốt
      • to crop out (forth)
        • trồi lên
      • to crop up
        • nảy ra, hiểu ra, nổi lên bất ngờ (khó khăn, vấn đề...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    plants for food
    1 [C] a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food: Sugar has always been an important crop on the island. + crop rotation / production / yield + The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.
    See also - CASH CROP
    2 [C] the amount of grain, fruit, etc. that is grown in one season: a fall in this year's coffee crop + We are looking forward to a bumper crop (= a very large one).
    group of people
    3 [sing.] a ~ of sth a group of people who do sth at the same time; a number of things that happen at the same time: the current crop of graduate trainees + She is really the cream of the crop (= the best in her group). + a crop of disasters / injuries
    4 [C] a short whip used by horse riders: a riding crop
    5 [C] a very short hairstyle
    6 [sing.] a ~ of dark, fair, etc. hair / curls hair that is short and thick: He had a thick crop of black curly hair.
    of bird
    7 (technical) a part of a bird's throat shaped like a bag where food is stored before it passes into the stomach
    + verb (-pp-)
    1 to cut sb's hair very short: [VN] closely cropped hair [also VN-ADJ]
    2 [VN] (technical) to cut off part of a photograph
    of animals
    3 [VN] to bite off and eat the tops of plants, especially grass: The horses were quietly cropping the grass.
    4 [V] (of plants) to produce a crop: The potatoes cropped well this year.
    5 [VN] to use land to grow crops: The river valley is intensively cropped.
    Phrasal Verbs: crop up to appear or happen, especially when it is not expected: His name just cropped up in conversation. + I'll be late-something's cropped up at the office.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 plants grown for food


    agricultural | cash, commercial, export | fodder, food, forage
    Fodder crops are used to feed livestock.
    | subsistence | staple | traditional
    the replacement of traditional crops with cash crops for export
    | spring, winter | standing
    Rivers burst their banks and flooded standing crops.
    | arable, cereal, fruit, root, vegetable


    grow, produce
    Most of the farmers grow arable crops.
    | plant, sow | bring in, gather, harvest, reap | damage, destroy
    Summer flash floods destroyed the crops.
    | rotate | spray
    Crops are sprayed with highly toxic chemicals to prevent insect damage.


    Isolated communities were extremely vulnerable if crops failed.


    Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.
    | damage, failure | production, yield
    to boost crop yields
    | spraying


    ~ of
    a crop of carrots

    2 total amount of grain, fruit, etc. grown


    abundant, bumper, excellent, good, heavy, record | poor | early
    Bring strawberry plants indoors for an early crop.
    | potato, rice, etc.


    gather, get, harvest, have, reap
    a record crop was harvested We had a very good crop of apples last year.
    | bear, produce, yield
    It takes three to five years for a new plantation to bear a crop.


    ~ of

    Concise English dictionary

    +the yield from plants in a single growing season
    +a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
    +a collection of people or things appearing together
    +the output of something in a season
    +the stock or handle of a whip
    +a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
    +cut short
    +prepare for crops
    +yield crops
    +let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
    +feed as in a meadow or pasture
    +cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of