
US: /ˈtʃəŋk/
UK: /t‍ʃˈʌŋk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

chunk /tʃʌnk/
  • danh từ
    • (thông tục) khúc (gỗ), khoanh (bánh, phó mát...)
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) người lùn và chắc mập; ngựa lùn và chắc mập
    • to bite off a big chunk
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) vớ phải một việc hắc búa, phải giải quyết một việc khó khăn

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 a thick solid piece that has been cut or broken off sth: a chunk of cheese / masonry
2 (informal) a fairly large amount of sth: I've already written a fair chunk of the article.

Collocation dictionary


big, great, huge, large, sizeable, substantial
He bit a great chunk out of the apple. This one project has taken a substantial chunk of our budget.
| bite-size/bite-sized, manageable
He cut the food up into bite-size chunks. (figurative) The listening texts consist of short, bite-sized chunks which are accessible to beginners.
| pineapple
a tin of pineapple chunks


cut sth (up) into


in a/the ~
I bought thecheese in one big chunk.
| ~ of a
huge chunk of meat/rock/text

Concise English dictionary

+a compact mass
+a substantial amount
+put together indiscriminately
+group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side