
US: /ˈsɛɹəˌmoʊniz/
UK: /sˈɛɹɪmənɪz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

ceremony /'seriməni/
  • danh từ
    • nghi thức, nghi lễ
    • sự khách sáo, sự kiểu cách
      • there is no need for ceremony between friends: giữa bạn bè với nhau không cần phải khách sáo
    • to stand on (upon) ceremony
      • (xem) stand
    • without ceremony
      • tự nhiên không khách sáo

Thesaurus dictionary

1 rite, observance, solemnity, service, ceremonial, ritual, formality, function; obsequies:
I had to attend my grandmother's funeral ceremony and was absent from school.
2 motions, formalities or formality, conventions or convention, niceties, proprieties, form, protocol; lip-service, appearances, pro formas, etiquette, decorum:
Going through the ceremony is all they want - they don't care what you believe. Please sign even if only for ceremony's sake.

Concise English dictionary

+a formal event performed on a special occasion
+any activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way
+the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion