English Vietnamese dictionary

call /kɔ:l/
  • danh từ
    • tiếng kêu, tiếng la, tiếng gọi
      • a call for help: tiếng kêu cứu
      • within call: ở gần gọi nghe được
      • the call of the sea: tiếng gọi của biển cả
    • tiếng chim kêu; tiếng bắt chước tiếng chim
    • kèn lệnh, trống lệnh, còi hiệu
    • lời kêu gọi, tiếng gọi
      • the call of the country: lời kêu gọi của tổ quốc
      • the call of conscience: tiếng gọi của lương tâm
    • sự mời, sự triệu tập
      • to have a call to visit a sick man: được mời đến thăm người ốm (bác sĩ)
    • sự gọi dây nói, sự nói chuyện bằng dây nói
      • a telephone call: sự gọi dây nói
    • sự thăm, sự ghé thăm, sự đỗ lại, sự ghé lại
      • to give (pay) somebody a call; to pay a call on somebody: ghé thăm ai
      • to receive a call: tiếp ai
      • to return someone's call: thăm trả lại ai
      • port of call: bến đỗ lại
    • sự đòi hỏi, sự yêu cầu
      • to have many calls on one's time: có nhiều việc đòi hỏi, mất thời gian
      • to have many calls on one's money: có nhiều việc phải tiêu đến tiền; bị nhiều người đòi tiền
    • sự cần thiết; dịp
      • there's no call for you to hurry: chẳng có việc gì cần thiết mà anh phải vội
    • (thương nghiệp) sự gọi vốn, sự gọi cổ phần
    • (sân khấu) sự vỗ tay mời (diễn viên) ra một lần nữa
    • at call
      • sẵn sàng nhận lệnh
    • call to arms
      • lệnh nhập ngũ, lệnh động viên
    • no call to blush
      • việc gì mà xấu hổ
    • close call
      • (xem) close
    • to get (have) a call upon something
      • có quyền được hưởng (nhận) cái gì
    • place (house) of call
      • nơi thường lui tới công tác
  • ngoại động từ
    • kêu gọi, mời gọi lại
      • to call a taxi: gọi một cái xe tắc xi
      • duty calls me: bổn phận kêu gọi tôi
      • to call an actor: mời một diễn viên ra một lần nữa
      • to call a doctor: mời bác sĩ
    • gọi là, tên là
      • he is called John: anh ta tên là Giôn
    • đánh thức, gọi dậy
      • call me early tomorrow morning: sáng mai anh hãy đánh thức tôi dậy sớm
    • coi là, cho là, gọi là
      • I call that a shame: tôi cho đó là một điều sỉ nhục
    • gợi, gợi lại, nhắc lại
      • to call something to mind: gợi lại cái gì trong óc, nhắc lại cái gì
    • triệu tập; định ngày (họp, xử...)
      • to call a meeting: triệu tập một cuộc mít tinh
      • to call a strike: ra lệnh đình công
      • to call a case: định ngày xử một vụ kiện
    • phát thanh về phía
      • this ia the Voice of Vietnam calling Eastern Europe: đây là tiếng nói Việt-Nam phát thanh về phía Đông-Âu
  • nội động từ
    • gọi, kêu to, la to, gọi to
      • to call to somebody: gọi ai
      • to call out: kêu to, la to
    • (+ on, upon) kêu gọi, yêu cầu
      • to call upon somebody's generosity: kêu gọi tấm lòng rộng lượng của ai
      • to call on someone to do something: kêu gọi (yêu cầu) ai làm việc gì
      • to call on somebody for a song: yêu cầu ai hát một bài
    • (+ for) gọi, đến tìm (ai) (để lấy cái gì...)
      • I'll call for you on my way: trên đường đi tôi sẽ đến tìm anh
    • (+ at) dừng lại, đỗ lại (xe lửa...)
      • the train calls at every station: tới ga nào xe lửa cũng đỗ lại
    • (+ at, on) ghé thăm, lại thăm, tạt vào thăm
      • to call at somebody's: ghé thăm nhà ai
      • to call on somebody: tạt qua thăm ai
    • (+ for) (nghĩa bóng) đòi, bắt buộc phải, cần phải
      • to call for trumps: ra hiệu đòi người cùng phe đánh bài chủ
      • this conduct calls for punishment: hành động này cần phải trừng phạt
    • to call aside
      • gọi ra một chỗ; kéo sang một bên
    • to call away
      • gọi đi; mời đi
    • to call back
      • gọi lại, gọi về
    • to call down
      • gọi (ai) xuống
    • (thông tục) xỉ vả, mắng nhiếc thậm tệ
    • to call forth
      • phát huy hết, đem hết
    • to call forth one's energy: đem hết nghị lực
    • to call forth one's talents: đem hết tài năng
    • gây ra
      • his behaviour calls forth numerous protests: thái độ của anh ấy gây ra nhiều sự phản đối
    • gọi ra ngoài
    • to call in
      • thu về, đòi về, lấy về (tiền...)
    • mời đến, gọi đến, triệu đến
      • to call in the doctor: mời bác sĩ đến
    • to call off
      • gọi ra chỗ khác
    • please call off your dog: làm ơn gọi con chó anh ra chỗ khác
    • đình lại, hoãn lại, ngừng lại; bỏ đi
      • the match was called off: cuộc đấu được hoãn lại
    • làm lãng đi
      • to call off one's attention: làm đãng trí
    • to call out
      • gọi ra
    • gọi to
    • gọi (quân đến đàn áp...)
    • thách đấu gươm
    • to call together
      • triệu tập (một cuộc họp...)
    • to call up
      • gọi tên
    • gợi lại, nhắc lại (một kỷ niệm)
      • to call up a spirit: gọi hồn, chiêu hồn
    • gọi dây nói
      • I'll call you up this evening: chiều nay tôi sẽ gọi dây nói cho anh
    • nảy ra (một ý kiến); gây ra (một cuộc tranh luận...)
    • đánh thức, gọi dậy
    • (quân sự) động viên, gọi (nhập ngũ)
    • to call away one's attention
      • làm cho đãng trí; làm cho không chú ý
    • to call in question
      • (xem) question
    • to call into being (existence)
      • tạo ra, làm nảy sinh ra
    • to call into play
      • (xem) play
    • to call over names
      • điểm tên
    • to call a person names
      • (xem) name
    • to call somebody over the coals
      • (xem) coal
    • to call something one's own
      • (gọi là) có cái gì
    • to have nothing to call one's own: không có cái gì thực là của mình
    • to call a spade a spade
      • (xem) spade

Advanced English dictionary

+ abbreviation
computer assisted language learning
Compare: CAL

Thesaurus dictionary

1 shout, cry (out), hail, yell, roar, bellow, call out, Colloq holler:
I heard someone calling my name.
2 name, designate, denote, denominate, term, style, nickname, label, title, entitle, tag, identify, dub, christen, baptize:
My real name is Angus, but they call me Scotty. A person from Glasgow is called a Glaswegian.
3 call up, telephone, phone, ring (up), dial, Colloq buzz:
As it's her birthday, I must call my mother in Australia. Don't call us, we'll call you.
4 summon, invite, assemble, convoke, convene, bid, gather, collect, muster, rally:
From the minaret, the muezzin was calling the faithful to prayer. Many are called but few are chosen.
5 visit, attend; call in; call on:
My great aunt Frederica came to call last Sunday.
6 awake, awaken, wake up, rouse, Colloq Brit knock up:
Please call me at six.
7 call down.
(a) appeal to, invoke, petition, request, entreat, supplicate:
He called down the wrath of God on the Philistines.
(b) reprimand, chastise, castigate, upbraid, scold, reprove, rebuke:
He was called down for having left the house after curfew.
8 call for.
(a) demand, request, ask for, order, require, claim:
The people in room 429 have called for clean towels. The problem calls for your urgent attention.
(b) pick up, fetch, come for, get, accompany, Colloq collect:
I'll call for you at seven o'clock.
9 call forth. summon, invoke, draw on or upon, evoke; elicit, inspire:
Susan called forth all her courage and faced her accusers. He failed to call forth much enthusiasm in his listeners.
10 call on or upon.
(a) request of, entreat, ask, address; apostrophize:
The teacher called on me today to recite Hamlet's soliloquy.
(b) supplicate, apostrophize, appeal to:
He called on 'olus, god of the winds, for a fair breeze to carry his ship home.
(c) visit:
The vicar called on us when we first moved in.
11 call off. cancel; discontinue; postpone:
The picnic has been called off because of rain.
12 call up.
(a) summon, enlist, recruit, conscript, US draft:
Father was called up as soon as war was declared.
(b) call, telephone, phone, ring (up):
Call me up sometime.
13 shout, cry, yell, whoop, Colloq holler:
I'll be out in the garden, so give me a call if you want me.
14 summons, invitation, bidding, notice, notification, order, request, demand, command; telephone call, phone call, Brit ring; Colloq tinkle:
She received a call to report at once for duty.
15 reason, justification, cause, need, occasion, right, excuse; requirement:
You have no call to be abusive, regardless of what you think about him.
16 on call. ready, on duty, standing by, on stand-by, awaiting orders:
They had to remain on call from midnight till eight o'clock.
17 within call. within earshot or hearing or (easy) reach:
Please stay within call in case I need you.

Collocation dictionary

1 on the telephone


phone/telephone | long | quick, short
I'll just make a quick phone call.
| local | international, long-distance, trunk | direct-dialled | incoming | outgoing | emergency | anonymous, hoax, nuisance, obscene, unsolicited | wake-up
I ordered a wake-up call for 6.30 the next morning.

(figurative) Last night's defeat should be a wake-up call for the team.


give sb, make, place
Give us a call to say when you have arrived. She asked her secretary to place a call through to England.
| get, have, receive | answer, take
I'll take the call upstairs.
| return
I left a message but he didn't return my call.
| put through, transfer
Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.




~ for
Were there any calls for me while I was out?
| ~ from
You had a call from Fred.
| ~ to
I made a call to a friend in London.

2 sound to attract attention


loud | distinctive
the distinctive call of the cuckoo
| plaintive
the bird's plaintive call
| distress | bird | clarion, rallying
(both figurative) This election is a clarion call for our country to face the challenges of the new era.


let out | hear


~ for
a call for help

3 short visit


business, courtesy, social


make, pay (sb)
The doctor has several calls to make this morning.


on a ~
She's out on a call.
| ~ on
Her first call was on the local library.


first/last/next port of call
Our first port of call (= the first place we went to)was the chemist's.

4 request/demand


renewed, repeated | last
This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome.
| strike


issue | renew
Drink-drive campaigners have renewed their call for the introduction of random breath tests.
| answer, heed, respond to
Around 10,000 workers heeded the union's strike call.
| reject


~ for
The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.


a call to arms
(= a strong request for people to fight in the army)(figurative) The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.

Concise English dictionary

+a telephone connection
+a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course
+a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
+a demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty"
+the characteristic sound produced by a bird
+a brief social visit
+a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
+a demand for a show of hands in a card game
+a request
+an instruction that interrupts the program being executed
+a visit in an official or professional capacity
+(sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee
+the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
+assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
+get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
+ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
+order, request, or command to come
+utter a sudden loud cry
+pay a brief visit
+call a meeting; invite or command to meet
+order or request or give a command for
+order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role
+indicate a decision in regard to
+stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather
+read aloud to check for omissions or absentees
+send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message
+declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
+utter a characteristic note or cry
+utter in a loud voice or announce
+make a prediction about; tell in advance
+challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense
+consider or regard as being
+demand payment of (a loan)
+give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
+greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
+make a stop in a harbour
+make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
+require the presentation of for redemption before maturation
+lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal
+challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of
+rouse somebody from sleep with a call