
US: /ˈbɫɝd/
UK: /blˈɜːd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

  • (Tech) nhòe

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 not clear; without a clear outline or shape: She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision. + a blurred image / picture
2 difficult to remember clearly: blurred memories + She tried to piece together the blurred details and recollections of the accident.
3 difficult to distinguish, so that differences are not clear: blurred distinctions / boundaries + Gender differences are becoming more blurred as both sexes become more liberated.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 indistinctness, dimness, haziness, cloudiness, fogginess:
We were unable to pick out the star from the blur of the Galaxy.
2 fog, haze, Brit fuzz:
Without my spectacles, everything is a blur.
3 dim, befog, obscure, bedim; efface:
My vision was momentarily blurred, and I didn't see the oncoming car.
4 obscure, hide, conceal, veil, mask; weaken:
The Honourable Gentleman has blurred the distinction between the unemployed and the unemployable.

Concise English dictionary

+a hazy or indistinct representation
+become glassy; lose clear vision
+to make less distinct or clear
+make unclear, indistinct, or blurred
+make a smudge on; soil by smudging
+make dim or indistinct
+become vague or indistinct