
US: /ædˈvaɪz/, /ədˈvaɪz/
UK: /ɐdvˈa‍ɪz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

advise /əd'vaiz/
  • ngoại động từ
    • khuyên, khuyên bảo, răn bảo
    • (thương nghiệp) báo cho biết
      • to advise someone of something: báo cho ai biết việc gì
  • ngoại động từ
    • hỏi ý kiến
      • to advise with someone: hỏi ý kiến người nào

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb
1 ~ (sb) (against sth / against doing sth) to tell sb what you think they should do in a particular situation: [V] I would strongly advise against going out on your own. + [VN] Her mother was away and couldn't advise her. + I'd advise extreme caution. + [VN to inf] Police are advising fans without tickets to stay away. + I'd advise you not to tell him. + [V that] They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times. + [VN that] It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance. + [V -ing] I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. + [V speech, VN speech] 'Get there early,' she advised (them).
2 ~ (sb) on sth ~ (sb) about sth / doing sth to give sb help and information on a subject that you know a lot about: [V] We employ an expert to advise on new technology. + [VN] She advises the government on environmental issues. + [V wh-] The pharmacist will advise which medicines are safe to take. + [VN wh-] Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action.
3 ~ sb (of sth) (formal) to officially tell sb sth: [VN] Please advise us of any changes in your personal details. + [VN wh-] I will contact you later to advise you when to come. + [VN that] I regret to advise you that the course is now full.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 counsel, guide, recommend, suggest, commend; caution, admonish, warn; urge, encourage:
I advised him to be careful driving at night in that area.
2 tell, announce (to), inform, apprise, register, make known (to), intimate (to), notify:
We advised her of our disapproval. The police have advised the defendants of their rights.

Collocation dictionary

1 tell sb what you think they should do


strenuously, strongly
I strongly advise you not to do this.
| badly, wrongly
We were badly advised by our solicitor.
| properly | legally


We can advise parents about education.
| against
They advised me against sending cash by post.
| on
We will be happy to advise on any financial matters.


be ill/well advised to do sth
John would be ill advised to rely on their support. You would be better advised to consult an accountant.

2 inform sb of sth


be pleased to
I am pleased to advise you that your application has been accepted.
| regret to




keep sb advised
Please keep me advised of new developments in this case.

Concise English dictionary

+give advice to
+inform (somebody) of something
+make a proposal, declare a plan for something