
US: /əˈbɑmənəbəɫ/
UK: /ɐbˈɒmɪnəbə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

abominable /ə'bɔminəbl/
  • tính từ
    • ghê tởm, kinh tởm
      • an abominable crime tội ác ghê tởm: (thông tục) tồi, tồi tệ, rất xấu
      • abominable weather: thời tiết rất xấu
      • an abominable meal: bữa cơm tồi

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
extremely unpleasant and causing disgust: The judge described the attack as an abominable crime. + We were served the most abominable coffee.
abominably adverb: She treated him abominably.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 offensive, repugnant, repulsive, vile, monstrous, loathsome, odious, execrable, detestable, despicable, base, disgusting, nauseous, nauseating, foul, abhorrent, horrid, deplorable:
He was accused of crimes too abominable to detail in open court.
2 terrible, unpleasant, disagreeable; awful, distasteful, in bad taste, horrible, frightful, Colloq Brit beastly:
No one wants to go out in this abominable weather. The decor in this hotel is simply abominable.

Concise English dictionary

+unequivocally detestable
+exceptionally bad or displeasing