
US: /ˈwɪɫɪŋ/
UK: /wˈɪlɪŋ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

willing /'wili /
  • tính từ
    • bằng lòng, vui lòng; muốn
      • to be willing to do: muốn làm
    • sẵn sàng, quyết tâm
      • to be quite willing to: rất sẵn sàng
      • willing to help: sẵn sàng giúp đỡ
      • a willing worker: một công nhân quyết tâm
    • có thiện ý, hay giúp đỡ, sẵn lòng
    • tự nguyện
      • a willing help: sự giúp đỡ tự nguyện

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 [not usually before noun] ~ (to do sth) not objecting to doing sth; having no reason for not doing sth: They keep a list of people (who are) willing to work nights. + I'm perfectly willing to discuss the problem. + Would you be willing to help me with my essay? + Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs.
2 [usually before noun] ready or pleased to help and not needing to be persuaded; done or given in an enthusiastic way: willing helpers / volunteers + willing support / consent + She's very willing. + Willing hands pulled him to safety.
willingly adverb: People would willingly pay more for better services. + I would never willingly upset you. + 'Will you help me?' 'Willingly.'
willingness noun [U, sing.]: Success in studying depends on a willingness to learn.
Idioms see GOD, SHOW v., SPIRIT
will-o'the-wisp noun [usually sing.]
1 a thing that is impossible to obtain; a person that you cannot depend on
2 a blue light that is sometimes seen at night on soft wet ground and is caused by natural gases burning

Thesaurus dictionary

agreeable, acquiescent, compliant, amenable, consenting, assenting, passive, complaisant, docile, ready, well-disposed, happy, content, pleased, delighted, enthusiastic, avid, eager, zealous, Colloq game:
Albert might not have thought up the pranks, but he was a willing accomplice.

Collocation dictionary


appear, be, prove, seem
They appear willing to talk to us.


more than, only too, really, very
I'm more than willing to get involved.
| increasingly | perfectly, quite
He's quite willing to do the same for you.
| enough
He seemed willing enough to listen.
| apparently | always
She is always willing to help.
| no longer

Concise English dictionary

+the act of making a choice
+disposed or inclined toward
+not brought about by coercion or force

+the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention
+a fixed and persistent intent or purpose
+a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die
+decree or ordain
+have in mind
+determine by choice
+leave or give by will after one's death