
US: /ˈweɪk/
UK: /wˈe‍ɪk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

wake /weik/
  • danh từ
    • (hàng hải) lằn tàu
    • to follow in the wake of somebody
      • theo chân ai, theo liền ngay sau ai
    • (nghĩa bóng) theo gương ai
    • danh từ
      • ((thường) số nhiều) nghỉ hằng năm (ở miền bắc nước Anh)
      • sự thức canh người chết
      • nội động từ (woke, waked; waked, woken)
        • thức giấc, thức dậy, tỉnh dậy
          • to wake up with a start: giật mình tỉnh dậy
      • ngoại động từ
        • đánh thức
        • làm hồi tỉnh lại, làm sống lại
        • làm náo động (nơi nào); phá (sự yên tĩnh)
        • làm dội lại (tiếng vang)
        • khêu gợi, gợi lại (một kỷ niệm)
          • to wake memories: gợi lại những ký ức
          • to wake desires: khêu gợi dục vọng
        • thức canh (người chết)

      Advanced English dictionary

      verb, noun
      + verb (woke )
      1 [usually +adv./prep.] ~ (sb) (up) to stop sleeping; to make sb stop sleeping: [V] What time do you usually wake up in the morning? + I always wake early in the summer. + Wake up! It's eight o'clock. + (written) They woke to a clear blue sky. + (written) She had just woken from a deep sleep. + [V to inf] He woke up to find himself alone in the house. + [VN] Try not to wake the baby up. + I was woken by the sound of someone moving around. - AWAKE
      2 [VN] (literary or formal) to make sb remember sth or feel sth again: The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.
      Phrasal Verbs: wake up to become more lively and interested: Wake up and listen!
      See also - WAKE (1)
      wake sb<->up to make sb feel more lively: A cold shower will soon wake you up. + The class needs waking up.
      See also - WAKE (1)
      wake up to sth to become aware of sth; to realize sth: He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation. + The banks are waking up to customers' needs at last.
      + noun
      1 an occasion before a funeral when people gather to remember the dead person, traditionally held at night to watch over the body before it is buried
      2 the track that a boat or ship leaves behind on the surface of the water
      Idioms: in the wake of sb/sth coming after or following sb/sth: There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack. + A group of reporters followed in her wake. + The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 Often, wake up. awaken, awake, rouse, waken, bring around; stir, bestir (oneself), get up, come to, get going:
      Wake me when it is over. She didn't wake up till noon.
      2 awake, waken, awaken, animate, stimulate, enliven, galvanize, fire, quicken, inspirit, inspire, activate, liven up, vivify, kindle, vitalize, stir, arouse, get (someone) going, bring to life:
      When I feel this tired, it takes a lot to wake me up. Seeing Margo woke a spark in me I thought had long since died.
      3 vigil, watch, death-watch, funeral:
      If you have ever been to an Irish wake, you will know what I mean.
      1 track, trail, aftermath, path, backwash, wash, bow wave; trace, spoor, scent:
      The wake from the passing boats damages the docks. No matter where he went, they followed in his wake.
      2 in the wake of. following (on or upon), after, subsequent to; as a result or consequence of, on account of, because of, owing to, by virtue of:
      In the wake of the law's enactment, scores of abortions were performed.

      Collocation dictionary

      1 stop being asleep


      early, late
      She had woken even earlier than usual.
      | suddenly | up
      I woke up quite late this morning.


      She had just woken up from a deep sleep.


      wake (up) to find sth
      Any minute now she'd wake up to find herself at home safe in bed.
      | wake (up) with a start
      She woke with a start from a terrible nightmare.

      2 make sb stop sleeping


      I woke him gently.
      | up


      be careful not to
      Be careful not to wake the children!

      Concise English dictionary

      +the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event)
      +an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
      +the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward
      +a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial
      +be awake, be alert, be there
      +stop sleeping
      +arouse or excite feelings and passions
      +make aware of
      +cause to become awake or conscious