
US: /ˈvɝtʃuəs/
UK: /vˈɜːt‍ʃuːəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

virtuous /'və:tjuəs/
  • tính từ
    • có đức, có đạo đức
    • tiết hạnh, đoan chính

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 (formal) behaving in a very good and moral way: a wise and virtuous man + She lived an entirely virtuous life.
2 (disapproving or humorous) claiming to behave better or have better morals than other people: He was feeling virtuous because he had finished and they hadn't.
virtuously adverb

Thesaurus dictionary

1 moral, honourable, ethical, honest, good, upstanding, high-principled, upright, righteous, pure, uncorrupted, incorruptible, just, fair, right-minded, fair-minded, high-minded, scrupulous, trustworthy:
Thomas has proved himself a virtuous young man.
2 chaste, innocent, virginal, virgin; decent, proper, unsullied, faithful, true, uncorrupted:
A virtuous woman makes a virtuous wife.

Concise English dictionary

'vɜrtʃʊəs /'vɜː-
+morally excellent
+in a state of sexual virginity