
UK: /vˈɪɡɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

vigour /'vigə/
  • danh từ
    • sức mạnh, sự cường tráng
      • full of vigour: đầy sức mạnh, mạnh khoẻ, cường tráng
    • sức mãnh liệt, sức hăng hái, sự mạnh mẽ
      • the vigour of an attack: sức mãnh liệt của một cuộc tấn công
      • to grow with vigour: mọc mạnh mẽ
    • khí lực
      • man of vigour: người có khí lực
      • vigour of literary style: khí lực của văn phong

Advanced English dictionary

(BrE) (AmE vigor)
+ noun
[U] energy, force or enthusiasm: He worked with renewed vigour and determination.

Thesaurus dictionary

vitality, resilience, strength, power, energy, forcefulness, force, stamina, endurance, mettle, mettlesomeness, pith, dynamism, spirit, liveliness, animation, verve, vivacity, exuberance, brio, briskness, zest, zealousness, enthusiasm, gusto, eagerness, Colloq spunk, pep, pizazz, vim, oomph, zing, get-up-and-go:
When attacked, they defended themselves with extraordinary vigour.

Collocation dictionary


added, increased, increasing | fresh, new, renewed
He returned to work with a sense of renewed vigour after his holiday.
| extraordinary, great, tremendous | youthful | creative, intellectual, physical


pursue/tackle sth with
The government gave assurances that the enquiry would be pursued with vigour.


with ~


full of vigour
She was a wonderful, bubbly girl, full of vigour.
| vim and vigour
He set to his task with renewed vim and vigour.
| with equal vigour
She attacked both political parties with equal vigour.

Concise English dictionary

+forceful exertion
+active strength of body or mind
+an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)