
US: /ˈvɪɡɝəs/
UK: /vˈɪɡəɹəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

vigorous /'vigərəs/
  • tính từ
    • mạnh khoẻ, cường tráng
      • vigorous youth: tuổi thanh niên cường tráng
    • mãnh liệt, mạnh mẽ
      • a vigorous attack: một cuộc tấn công mãnh liệt
      • a vigorous protest: sự phản kháng mạnh mẽ
    • đầy khí lực
      • a vigorous style: lối văn đầy khí lực

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 very active, determined or full of energy: a vigorous campaign against tax fraud + a vigorous opponent / supporter of the government + Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.
2 strong and healthy: a vigorous young man + This plant is a vigorous grower.
vigorously adverb: She shook her head vigorously. + The accusation was vigorously denied.

Thesaurus dictionary

energetic, active, vivacious, dynamic, brisk, lively, spirited, robust, strong, hardy, hale, hearty, vital, fit, lusty, stalwart, in good or fine fettle, spry, sprightly, resilient, Colloq peppy, full of pep, full of get-up-and-go, full of beans:
At 63, he is just as vigorous as he was at 40.

Collocation dictionary


be | become


extremely, very
leading a very vigorous campaign to get the chairman removed
| quite
taking some quite vigorous exercise
| enough, sufficiently


The group is not vigorous enough in its opposition to the proposals.

Concise English dictionary

+characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity
+strong and active physically or mentally