
US: /ˈvɝtɪkəɫ/
UK: /vˈɜːtɪkə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

vertical /'və:tikəl/
  • tính từ
    • thẳng đứng, đứng
      • vertical axis of a crystal: trục đứng của một tinh thể
      • vertical plane: (toán học) mặt phẳng thẳng đứng
      • vertical angles: (toán học) góc đối đỉnh
    • (nghĩa bóng) ở điểm cao nhất, ở cực điểm
    • (giải phẫu) (thuộc) đỉnh đầu; ở đỉnh đầu
    • (thiên văn học) (thuộc) thiên đỉnh; ở thiên đỉnh
    • danh từ
      • đường thẳng đứng
        • out of the vertical: không thẳng đứng
      • mặt phẳng thẳng đứng

    Advanced English dictionary

    adjective, noun
    + adjective
    1 (of a line, pole, etc.) going straight up or down from a level surface or from top to bottom in a picture, etc: the vertical axis of the graph + The cliff was almost vertical. + There was a vertical drop to the ocean.
    Compare: HORIZONTAL
    2 having a structure in which there are top, middle and bottom levels: a vertical flow of communication
    vertically adverb: The cliffs rose up vertically out of the water.
    + noun (usually the vertical) a vertical line or position
    The wall is several degrees off the vertical.

    Concise English dictionary

    verticals'vɜrtɪkl /'vɜːt-
    +something that is oriented vertically
    +a vertical structural member as a post or stake
    +at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line
    +relating to or involving all stages of a business from production to distribution
    +upright in position or posture
    +of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy (as levels of social class or income group)