
US: /ˈjus/, /ˈjuz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

use /ju:s/
  • danh từ
    • sự dùng; cách dùng
      • to put to use: đưa ra dùng
      • in common use: thường dùng
      • in use: được dùng, thông dụng
      • out of use: không dùng nữa
    • quyền dùng, quyền sử dụng
      • to have the use of something: được quyền dùng cái gì
    • năng lực sử dụng
      • to lose the use of one's eyes: mất năng lực sử dụng con mắt
    • thói quen, tập quán
      • in these cases use is the best guide: trong những trường hợp này theo thói quen là tốt nhất
    • sự có ích; ích lợi
      • to be of use for: có ích cho, dùng được cho
      • to have no further use for: không dùng làm gì nữa, không cần đến nữa
    • (tôn giáo) lễ nghi
    • (pháp lý) quyền hoa lợi
    • ngoại động từ
      • dùng, sử dụng
        • to use something: dùng vật gì
        • to be used for: được dùng để
      • dùng, áp dụng, lợi dụng
        • to use every means: dùng đủ mọi cách
        • to use one's opportunities: lợi dụng c hội
        • to use someone: lợi dụng ai
      • tiêu dùng, tiêu thụ
        • to use up all one's provisions: dùng hết lưng ăn để dành
      • đối xử, đối đ i, ăn ở
        • use others as you would have them use you: h y đối xử người khác như mình muốn họ đối xử với mình
      • (chỉ thời quá khứ) trước kia có thói quen, trước kia hay
        • it used to be said that: trước kia người ta thường nói rằng
        • there used to be a house here: trước kia ở đây có một ngôi nhà
        • he usedn't to drink; (mỹ) he didn't use to drink: trước kia nó không quen uống rượu
      • to use up
        • dùng cho đến hết tiệt
      • tận dụng (những cái còn thừa)
      • dùng cho đến kiệt sức (người, ngựa)

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb
    1 [VN] ~ sth (for sth / for doing sth)
    ~ sth (as sth) to do sth with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose: Can I use your phone? + Have you ever used this software before? + How often do you use (= travel by) the bus? + They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force. + We used a carrot for the snowman's nose. + Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. + The blue files are used for storing old invoices. + The building is currently being used as a warehouse. + The applicator makes the glue easy to use. + The oven looked as if it had never been used. + You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. + I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from).
    2 [VN] to take a particular amount of a liquid, substance, etc. in order to achieve or make sth: This type of heater uses a lot of electricity. + I hope you haven't used all the milk.
    3 [VN] (disapproving) to be kind, friendly, etc. to sb with the intention of getting an advantage for yourself from them: Can't you see he's just using you for his own ends? + I felt used.
    4 to take illegal drugs: [VN] Most of the inmates have used drugs at some point in their lives. + [V] (slang) She's been using since she was 13.
    Idioms: I, you, etc. could use sth (spoken) used to say that you would like to have sth very much: I think we could all use a drink after that!
    use your head (BrE also use your loaf) (informal) used to tell sb to think about sth, especially when they have asked for your opinion or said sth stupid: 'Why don't you want to see him again?' 'Oh, use your head!'
    ORIGIN From rhyming slang, in which loaf of bread stands for 'head'.
    Phrasal Verbs: use sth<->up to use all of sth so that there is none left: Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.
    + noun
    1 [U, sing.] the act of using sth; the state of being used: A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. + The software is designed for use in schools. + I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time. + The chapel was built in the 12th century and is still in use today. + The bar is for the use of members only.
    2 [C, U] a purpose for which sth is used; a way in which sth is or can be used: I'm sure you'll think of a use for it. + This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.
    3 [U] ~ (of sth) the right or opportunity to use sth, for example sth that belongs to sb else: I have the use of the car this week.
    4 [U] the ability to use your mind or body: He lost the use of his legs (= became unable to walk) in an accident.
    Idioms: be no use (to sb) (also formal be of no use) to be useless: You can throw those away-they're no use to anyone.
    be of use (to sb) (formal) to be useful: Can I be of any use (= can I help)?
    come into / go out of use to start/stop being used: These pesticides are gradually being phased out of use. + When did this word come into common use?
    have its / their / your uses (informal, often humorous) to be useful sometimes: I know you don't like him, but he has his uses.
    have no use for sb to dislike sb: I've no use for people who don't make an effort.
    have no use for sth to not need sth: Living underground and having little use for eyes, moles are virtually blind.
    it's no use (doing sth)
    What's the use (of doing sth)? used to say that there is no point in doing sth because it will not be successful or have a good result: What's the use of worrying about it? + It's no use-I can't persuade her.
    make use of sth/sb to use sth/sb, especially in order to get an advantage: We could make better use of our resources. + You should make use of your contacts.
    put sth to good use to be able to use sth for a purpose, and get an advantage from doing so: She'll be able to put her languages to good use in her new job.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 employ, make use of, put into practice or operation, practise, utilize, exercise, bring into play, have recourse to, resort to, put or press into service, put to use, avail (oneself) of; say, utter, speak:
    If you use a hammer you might damage the surface. Why do you have to use bad language?
    2 capitalize on, turn to account, profit by or from, exploit, utilize, make use of, take advantage of, manipulate, manoeuvre, handle, abuse, misuse, play, work:
    She used her smile to lure men on. Dorothy never forgave Conrad for the way he used her and her contacts to get his job.
    3 consume, eat, drink, smoke, take, partake of, ingest, inject, Slang shoot (up):
    He has never used a habit-forming substance.
    4 consume, buy, purchase, employ, utilize:
    Which kind of detergent do you use?
    5 use up. consume, exhaust, expend, run through, run out of, deplete; waste, squander, fritter away, pour down the drain, throw away:
    He used up all the toothpaste. She used up her entire inheritance gambling.
    6 usage, application, employment, utilization; using:
    The use of unleaded fuel is recommended.
    7 function, utility, application; advantage, benefit, good, service, interest, profit, avail:
    What's the use of a radio that doesn't work?
    8 wear (and tear), utilization, treatment, usage, handling:
    Long use has worn the workbench smooth.
    9 usability, usefulness, utility, utilization, usage, function, functioning, service(s), serviceability, power:
    He lost the use of his right arm in an accident at work.
    10 licence, permission, permit, privilege:
    We paid a high fee for the use of this parking space.
    11 consumption, purchases, buying, acquisition:
    The use of cigarettes has diminished in the last decade.
    12 advantage, purpose, point, end, object, reason, basis, ground:
    I have tried to help him overcome his habit, but what's the use? Many are the uses of adversity.
    13 demand, need, necessity, urgency, exigency:
    The world has as much use for art as for engineering.
    14 See usage, 1, above.
    15 have no use for. execrate, detest, abhor, hate, despise, scorn, contemn, spurn, reject, dislike:
    We have no use for cowards in this regiment.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 using/being used


    considerable, extensive, great, heavy, liberal | full, maximum
    He made full use of the opportunity to travel.
    | excessive
    a style of writing with an excessive use of metaphor
    | increased, increasing | constant, continued, daily, everyday, frequent, regular, repeated, routine
    the daily use of a deodorant
    | wide, widespread
    a campaign to encourage wider use of public transport
    | common, current, general, normal, ordinary
    This software is no longer in common use.
    | limited | occasional | appropriate, careful, clever, correct, effective, efficient, good, judicious, legitimate, optimum, proper, safe, selective
    Holding a lavish party was not the best use of scarce funds. an efficient use of resources an article with a judicious use of examples The layout of the furniture makes optimum use of the space available.
    | indiscriminate, poor | illegal, unauthorized | personal, private | external, internal
    This antiseptic is for external use only.
    | home
    fire extinguishers for home use
    | clinical, commercial, industrial | official | exclusive
    for the exclusive use of club members
    | free
    Guests have free use of the hotel swimming pool.
    | immediate
    Only half the land was fit for immediate use.
    | drug, heroin, etc.
    Drug use in this age group is on the increase.
    | land | language | energy | library

    VERB + USE

    We made use of the car while you were away.
    | bring sth (back) into, come into
    a technology which came into use at the end of the last century
    | go out of
    The expression went out of use some time ago.


    for ~
    This phone number is only for use in an emergency.
    | in ~
    The phone is in constant use.


    ease of use
    This model has been designed for greater ease of use.
    | for use as
    The record is intended for use as background music.
    | ready for use
    This room is now ready for use.

    2 purpose for which sth is used


    different | new

    VERB + USE

    This herb has a variety of uses.
    | find, put sth to
    Can you find a use for this old table? Don't throw that box away?I'm sure I could put it to some use.


    a variety of uses

    3 ability/permission to use sth


    the full use of your mental faculties

    VERB + USE

    Since his stroke he hasn't had the use of his left hand.
    | give sb, offer (sb)
    We gave them the use of our house while we were on holiday.
    | deny sb
    They denied us use of the college library.
    | lose | recover, regain
    After a while she regained the use of her fingers.


    ~ of
    She lost the use of her legs in a car accident.

    4 how useful sth is



    VERB + USE

    be of
    Could this old coat be of use to you?
    | have
    I have no use for my golf clubs any more.


    of … ~
    It's of no practical use to me.
    | ~ to
    Is it any use to you?


    be no use
    It's no use running?the train has already gone.

    Concise English dictionary

    +the act of using
    +a particular service
    +what something is used for
    +(economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing
    +a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition
    +(law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property
    +exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage
    +put into service; make work or employ (something) for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose
    +take or consume (regularly or habitually)
    +seek or achieve an end by using to one's advantage
    +use up, consume fully
    +avail oneself to
    +habitually do something (use only in the past tense)