
US: /ənˈsɝtən/
UK: /ʌnsˈɜːtən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

uncertain /ʌn'sə:tn/
  • tính từ
    • không chắc, còn ngờ
      • uncertain success: sự thành công không chắc lắm
      • a lady of uncertain age: một bà khó biết tuổi; (hài) một bà muốn làm ra vẻ trẻ hơn tuổi thật
    • hay thay đổi, không kiên định
      • uncertain weather: thời tiết hay thay đổi
    • không đáng tin cậy
      • an uncertain companion: một người bạn không đáng tin cậy

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 [usually after noun] ~ (about / of sth) feeling doubt about sth; not sure: They're both uncertain about what to do. + I'm still uncertain of my feelings for him.
Antonym: CERTAIN
2 likely to change, especially in a negative or unpleasant way: Our future looks uncertain. + a man of uncertain temper
3 not definite or decided: It is uncertain what his role in the company will be.
4 not confident
The baby took its first uncertain steps.
Idioms: in no uncertain terms clearly and strongly: I told him what I thought of him in no uncertain terms.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 unsure, indeterminate, unpredictable, undeterminable, unforeseeable, unascertainable, haphazard, chance, arbitrary, random, aleatory, serendipitous, hit-or-miss, casual:
It is uncertain whether interest rates will rise again next month.
2 unsure, in or of two minds, vacillating, undecided, unclear, ambivalent, irresolute, indecisive, hesitant, hesitating, undetermined, shilly-shallying, Brit at a loose end, US at loose ends:
Julia is uncertain about what to do next.
3 unsure, indeterminate, up in the air, indefinite, unpredictable, unresolved, unsettled, in the balance, conjectural, speculative, debatable, touch-and-go, unreliable, doubtful, dubious, questionable, vague, hazy:
The future of the company is now uncertain. The results of the election are still uncertain.
4 variable, changeable, inconstant, unfixed, unsettled, irregular, fickle, erratic, fitful, unsteady, wavering, unreliable, sporadic, occasional; unmethodical, unsystematic:
The pictures in the cave danced in the uncertain light of the torch. How can we make an appointment if your plans are so uncertain?

Collocation dictionary

1 not confident


be, feel, look, seem | become


deeply, very
I feel deeply uncertain about the future.
| a little, rather, slightly | strangely


about, as to
He seemed strangely uncertain as to how to continue.
| of
We were rather uncertain of the direction it came from.

2 not known exactly


be, look | become | remain, seem


extremely, highly, very | increasingly | quite, rather, somewhat | still
Whether diet is an important factor in this illness is still uncertain.
| inevitably, inherently
The world is inherently uncertain.
| notoriously
Cost estimates are notoriously uncertain in this business.

Concise English dictionary

+lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
+not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown
+not established or confirmed
+not certain to occur; not inevitable
+subject to change
+not consistent or dependable
+ambiguous (especially in the negative)