
US: /ˈtɹɪp/
UK: /tɹˈɪp/

English Vietnamese dictionary

trip /trip/
  • danh từ
    • cuộc đi chơi, cuộc dạo chơi, cuộc du ngoạn
    • (hàng hải) chuyến đi, cuộc hành trình, sự vượt biển
      • maiden trip: chuyến đi đầu tiên (của một con tàu)
    • bước nhẹ
    • bước trật, bước hụt; sự vấp, sự hụt chân
    • (nghĩa bóng) sai lầm, sai sót, lỗi; sự nói lỡ lời
    • sự ngáng, sự ngoéo chân; cái ngáng, cái ngoéo chân
    • mẻ cá câu được
    • (kỹ thuật) sự nhả; thiết bị nhả
    • nội động từ
      • bước nhẹ, đi nhẹ bước, nhảy múa nhẹ nhàng
        • to trip up the stairs: đi nhẹ bước lên cầu thang
      • trật bước, hụt chân, bước hụt, vấp
        • to trip over a stone: vấp phải một hòn đá
      • (nghĩa bóng) lầm, lầm lỗi; nói lỡ lời
      • ngoại động từ
        • ngáng, ngoéo (chân), làm cho vấp ngã
        • (hàng hải) thả trượt (neo)
        • (kỹ thuật) nhả (máy)
        • to trip up
          • ngáng, ngoéo chân, làm cho vấp ngã
        • he tried to trip me up: nó định ngáng tôi
        • tóm được (ai) làm sai
          • the lawyer tripped the witness up: luật sư tóm được sai sót của nhân chứng

      Advanced English dictionary

      noun, verb
      + noun
      1 a journey to a place and back again, especially a short one for pleasure or a particular purpose: Did you have a good trip? + We went on a trip to the mountains. + a day trip (= lasting a day) + a boat / coach trip + a business / school / shopping trip + They took a trip down the river. + We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.
      2 (slang) the experience that sb has if they take a powerful drug that affects the mind and makes them imagine things: an acid (= LSD) trip
      3 an act of falling or nearly falling down, because you hit your foot against sth
      Idioms see GUILT
      + verb (-pp-)
      1 [V] [often +adv./prep.] ~ (over / up)
      ~ (over / on sth) to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall: She tripped and fell. + Someone will trip over that cable. + Be careful you don't trip up on the step. + (figurative) I was tripping over my words in my excitement to tell them the news.
      2 [VN] (BrE also trip sb up) to catch sb's foot and make them fall or almost fall: As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up. + The referee said Owen was tripped and gave a penalty.
      3 [V +adv./prep.] (literary) to walk, run or dance with quick light steps: She said goodbye and tripped off along the road. + (figurative) a melody with a light tripping rhythm
      4 [VN] to release a switch, etc. or to operate sth by doing so: to trip a switch + Any intruders will trip the alarm.
      5 [V] (informal) to be under the influence of a drug that makes you HALLUCINATE
      Idioms see MEMORY LANE, TONGUE n.
      Phrasal Verbs: trip up
      trip sb<->up to make a mistake; to deliberately make sb do this: Read the questions carefully, because the examiners sometimes try to trip you up.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 stumble, slip, blunder, false step, misstep, fall:
      He sprained his ankle in that trip on the stair.
      2 stumble, slip, blunder, false step, misstep, faux pas, error, mistake, indiscretion, lapse, slip of the tongue, lapsus linguae, erratum, oversight; Freudian slip; Slang Brit boob:
      If it hadn't been for that one trip, we would have had a perfect score.
      3 tour, journey, excursion, outing, expedition, voyage, trek, peregrination, jaunt, junket, drive:
      We took a short side-trip to visit Khios.
      4 dance, caper, skip, cavort, gambol, frisk, hop, spring:
      Joanne came tripping gaily down the Champs lysées.
      5 stumble, slip, blunder, misstep, fall (down), tumble, topple, dive, plunge, sprawl, lurch, flounder, stagger, falter:
      I tripped on the doorstep and went head over heels.
      6 Often, trip up. trap, trick, catch out, unsettle, throw off, disconcert:
      She has been trying to trip me up and confess to something I didn't do.
      7 journey, travel, voyage, visit, tour, trek, sightsee, cruise; Colloq globe-trot:
      They have been tripping all over Europe this summer.
      8 detonate, set off, trigger, operate, release, explode, spark off:
      When he touched the wire, he tripped the charge.
      9 Often, trip out. hallucinate, Slang freak out, turn on:
      There's no talking to him when he's tripping out on coke.

      Collocation dictionary


      extended, long | brief, little, quick, short | day, overnight, weekend
      We went on a day trip to the seaside.
      | frequent, occasional, rare, regular
      He makes frequent trips to Poland.
      | annual, weekly, etc. | forthcoming | fantastic, good, great, nice, pleasant, successful | memorable | abortive, fruitless | successful | return, round
      From London to Oxford and back is a round trip of over a hundred miles.
      | foreign, overseas | round-the-world, world | European, Japan, etc. | boat, coach, cycle, etc. | business, fishing, pleasure, shopping, sightseeing | school
      a school trip to the Science Museum
      | field
      a geography field trip to study a limestone landscape
      | study

      VERB + TRIP

      be (away) on, go on, make, take
      She's away on a business trip. From here visitors can take a boat trip along the coast to Lundy Island.
      | have
      Did you have a good trip?
      | come back from, return from | be back from
      He's just back from a trip to New York.
      | arrange, organize, plan | book | cancel | extend | cut short
      I had to cut short my trip when my wallet was stolen.
      | enjoy
      Enjoy your trip!


      ~ by
      a five-minute trip by taxi
      | ~ to
      a trip to Tokyo


      a trip abroad
      My last trip abroad was two years ago.
      | the trip home
      The trip home took us five hours!
      | the trip of a lifetime
      They saved for years for their trip of a lifetime to Hawaii.

      Concise English dictionary

      +a journey for some purpose (usually including the return)
      +a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs
      +an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall
      +an exciting or stimulating experience
      +a catch mechanism that acts as a switch
      +a light or nimble tread
      +an unintentional but embarrassing blunder
      +miss a step and fall or nearly fall
      +cause to stumble
      +make a trip for pleasure
      +put in motion or move to act
      +get high, stoned, or drugged