
US: /ˈtətʃ/
UK: /tˈʌt‍ʃ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

touch /tʌtʃ/
  • danh từ
    • sự sờ, sự mó, sự đụng, sự chạm
    • xúc giác
    • nét (vẽ); ngón (đàn); bút pháp, văn phong
      • a bold touch: một nét vẽ bạo
      • to add a few finishing touches: hoàn chỉnh, thêm vào một vài nét hoàn chỉnh
    • một chút, một ít
      • a touch of jealousy: hơi ghen
      • a touch of salt: một chút muối
      • a touch of indigestion: hơi bị đầy bụng
    • sự tiếp xúc, sự giao thiệp; quan hệ; sự dính líu, sự dính dáng
      • to keep in touch with: giữ quan hệ với; có dính líu với
      • to be out of touch with: không có quan hệ với, mất liên lạc với
      • to lose touch with: mất liên lạc với, tiếp xúc đến
    • (thể dục,thể thao) đường biên (bóng đá)
    • (âm nhạc) lối bấm phím
    • (y học) phép thăm bệnh bằng cách sờ
    • (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) sự thử thách, sự thử; đá thử
      • to put to the touch: đem thử thách
      • true as touch: rất chính xác
  • ngoại động từ
    • sờ, mó, đụng, chạm
    • đạt tới, đến
      • I can touch the ceiling: tôi có thể với tới trần
      • the thermometer touched 37 o; yesterday: hôm qua nhiệt biểu lên tới 37 o
      • to touch bottom: xuống dốc đến cùng cực
      • to touch the spot: (thông tục) gãi đúng chỗ ngứa
    • gần, kề, sát bên, liền
      • his garden touches ours: vườn của anh ta sát liền ngay với vườn của chúng tôi
    • đả động đến, nói đến, đề cập đến, nói chạm đến
      • to touch [on] a subject in the conversation: đả động đến một vấn đề trong khi nói chuyện
    • gõ nhẹ, đánh nhẹ (chuông), gảy (đàn); bấm (phím đàn)
      • to touch the piano: bấm phím đàn pianô
    • đụng vào, dính vào, mó vào, vầy vào, vọc vào
      • please do not touch my papers: xin đừng mó vào giấy tờ của tôi
    • có liên quan, có quan hệ với, dính dáng, dính líu
      • the question touched your interests: vấn đề có dính líu đến quyền lợi của anh
      • what happens to him doesn't touch me at all: những việc xảy đến với nó không có liên quan gì tới tôi cả
    • đụng đến, ăn, uống, dùng đến
      • he promises not to touch alcohol: hắn hứa là không đụng đến một giọt rượu
    • làm cảm động, làm mủi lòng, gợi mối thương tâm, làm xúc động
      • his grief touched us deeply: nỗi đau buồn của anh ta làm chúng tôi vô cùng xúc động
    • làm mếch lòng, làm phật lòng, chạm lòng tự ái, xúc phạm
      • that touched him home: điều đó làm anh ta hết sức phật lòng; điều đó chạm lòng tự ái của anh ta
    • có ảnh hưởng, có tác dụng
      • nothing you can say will touch him: tất cả những điều anh có thể nói sẽ chả có tác dụng gì đối với nó
    • làm hư nhẹ, gây thiệt hại nhẹ, làm hỏng nhẹ
      • the frost has touched the vines: sương giá làm hư hại nhẹ những giàn nho
    • sánh kịp, bằng, tày
      • nobody can touch him in causticity: không ai có thể sánh kịp ông ta về lối châm biếm chua cay
    • (hàng hải) cặp, ghé (bến...)
      • the ship touched Colombo: con tàu cặp bến Cô-lom-bô
    • (từ lóng) gõ, vay
      • he touched me for 10 d: nó gõ tôi lấy mười đồng, nó vay tôi mười đồng
  • nội động từ
    • chạm nhau, đụng nhau
      • do the báll touch?: những quả bóng có chạm nhau không?
    • gần sát, kề nhau
    • to touch at
      • (hàng hải) cặp, ghé, đỗ vào (bến...)
    • to touch at a port: cặp bến
    • to touch down
      • (thể dục,thể thao) chạm đường biên ngang
    • (hàng không) hạ cánh
    • to touch in
      • vẽ phác, phác hoạ
    • to touch in the eyebrows of the portrait: vẽ phác đôi lông mày của bức chân dung
    • to touch off
      • cắt đứt (đường dây điện thoại, sự liên lạc bằng điện thoại)
    • vẽ phác, phác hoạ
    • bắn, nổ, xả, nhả (đạn)
    • gây ra, phát động (phong trào phản đối...)
    • to touch on (upon)
      • bàn đến, đả động đến, nói đến, đề cập đến
    • to touch on (upon) a subject: đề cập đến một vấn đề
    • to touch up
      • tô, sửa qua
    • to touch up a drawing: sửa qua bức vẽ
    • quất roi vào (ngựa...)
    • to touch with
      • nhuốm, đượm, ngụ
    • praise touched with jealousy: lời khen ngợi thoáng ngụ ý ghen tuông

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb
with hands / fingers
1 [VN] to put your hands or fingers onto sb/sth: Don't touch that plate-it's hot! + Can you touch your toes (= bend and reach them with your hands)? + I touched him lightly on the arm. + (figurative) I must do some more work on that article-I haven't touched it all week.
no space between
2 (of two or more things, surfaces, etc.) to be or come so close together that there is no space between: [V] Make sure the wires don't touch. + [VN] Don't let your coat touch the wet paint. + His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor. + The dancer's feet hardly seemed to touch the ground.
move sth / hit sb
3 [VN] (often in negative sentences) to move sth, especially in such a way that you damage it; to hit or harm sb: I told you not to touch my things. + He said I kicked him, but I never touched him!
eat / drink / use
4 [VN] (usually in negative sentences) to eat, drink or use sth: You've hardly touched your food. + He hasn't touched the money his aunt left him.
affect sb / sth
5 to make sb feel upset or sympathetic: [VN] Her story touched us all deeply. + What he said really touched my heart. [also VN to inf]
6 [VN] (old-fashioned or formal) to affect or concern sb/sth: These are issues that touch us all.
equal sb
7 [VN] (usually in negative sentences) to be as good as sb in skill, quality, etc: No one can touch him when it comes to interior design.
reach level
8 [VN] to reach a particular level, etc: The speedometer was touching 90.
be involved with
9 [VN] to become connected with or work with a situation or person: Everything she touches turns to disaster. + His last two movies have been complete flops and now no studio will touch him.
of smile
10 [VN] to be seen on sb's face for a short time: A smile touched the corners of his mouth.
Idioms: be touched with sth to have a small amount of a particular quality: His hair was touched with grey. + Some of her poems are touched with real genius.
not touch sb/sth with a bargepole (BrE) (AmE not touch sb/sth with a ten-foot pole) (informal) to refuse to get involved with sb/sth or in a particular situation: Personally, I wouldn't touch him or his business with a bargepole.
touch base (with sb) (informal) to make contact with sb again
touch bottom
1 to reach the ground at the bottom of an area of water: I put my feet down and touched bottom.
2 (BrE) to reach the worst possible state or condition: Her career really touched bottom with that movie.
touch wood (BrE) (AmE knock on wood) (saying) used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luck: I've been driving for over 20 years and never had an accident-touch wood!
Phrasal Verbs: touch down
1 (of a plane, spacecraft, etc.) to land
related noun TOUCHDOWN
2 (in rugby) to score a TRY by putting the ball on the ground behind the other team's goal line
related noun TOUCHDOWN
touch sb for sth (informal) to persuade sb to give or lend you sth, especially money: He tried to touch me for 50 bucks.
touch sth<->off to make sth begin, especially a difficult or violent situation: The blaze was touched off by lightning. + Her comments touched off a wave of protests.
touch on / upon sth to mention or deal with a subject in only a few words, without going into detail: In his speech he was only able to touch on a few aspects of the problem. + The central issue of the debate was hardly touched on in his speech.
touch sb<->up (BrE, informal) to touch sb sexually, usually in a way that is not expected or welcome
touch sth<->up to improve sth by changing or adding to it slightly: She was busy touching up her make-up in the mirror.
+ noun
1 [U] the sense that enables you to be aware of things and what they are like when you put your hands and fingers on them: the sense of touch + to read Braille by touch
with hands / fingers
2 [C, usually sing.] an act of putting your hands and fingers onto sb/sth: The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump. + All this information is readily available at the touch of a button (= by simply pressing a button). + This type of engraving requires a delicate touch. + She played the piano with a light touch.
way sth feels
3 [sing.] the way that sth feels when you put your hand or fingers on it or when it comes into contact with your body: The body was cold to the touch. + material with a smooth silky touch + He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin.
small detail
4 [C] a small detail that is added to sth in order to improve it or make it complete: I spent the morning putting the finishing touches to the report. + Meeting them at the airport was a nice touch. + Bright cushions add a decorative touch to a room.
way of doing sth
5 [sing.] a way or style of doing sth: She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch. + Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch. + He couldn't find his magic touch with the ball today (= he didn't play well). + This meal is awful. I think I'm losing my touch (= my ability to do sth).
small amount
6 [C, often sing.] ~ of sth a very small amount
Synonym: TRACE
There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice. + There could be a touch of frost tonight.
7 (a touch) [sing.] slightly; a little: The music was a touch too loud for my liking.
in football / rugby
8 [U] the area outside the lines that mark the sides of the playing field: He kicked the ball into touch.
Idioms: be, get, keep, etc. in touch (with sb) to communicate with sb, especially by writing to them or telephoning them: Are you still in touch with your friends from college? + Thanks for showing us your products-we'll be in touch. + I'm trying to get in touch with Jane. Do you have her number? + Let's keep in touch. + I'll put you in touch with someone in your area.
be, keep, etc. in touch (with sth) to know what is happening in a particular subject or area: It is important to keep in touch with the latest research.
be out of touch (with sb) to no longer communicate with sb, so that you no longer know what is happening to them: We've been out of touch for a couple of years.
be, become, etc. out of touch (with sth) to not know or understand what is happening in a particular subject or area: Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.
an easy / a soft touch (informal) a person that you can easily persuade to do sth, especially to give you money: Unfortunately, my father is no soft touch.
lose touch (with sb/sth)
1 to no longer have any contact with sb/sth: I've lost touch with all my old friends.
2 to no longer understand sth, especially how ordinary people feel
more at COMMON adj., LIGHT adj.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 put (one's) hand on, feel, handle:
She leant forward and touched my hand.
2 bring into contact with, apply, put, set:
He touched a match to the fuse and ran.
3 Sometimes, touch (up) against. be in contact (with), border, adjoin, meet, come up or be (up) against, push or press or lean (up) against, brush or rub (up) against, come or be together, abut:
The ladder is touching the freshly painted wall.
4 lay a hand or finger on; meddle with, have to do with, interfere with, come near, approach:
If you touch me, I'll scream.
5 drink, eat, consume, partake of, take, use, taste, have to do with:
He swore that he would never touch alcohol again.
6 affect, impress, influence, disturb, move, stir, arouse, excite, impassion, stimulate, strike, Colloq get to:
We were touched by your sympathetic note.
7 rival, match, equal, compare with, come up to, be on a par with, be a match for, be in the same league or class as or with, be on an equal footing with, reach, come or get near or close to, hold a candle to, measure up to or against, Colloq US stack up to or with or against:
No other car can touch our new model for speed and safety.
8 Usually, touch on or upon. refer to, have reference to, pertain to, relate to, have a bearing on, regard, mention, allude to, speak or write of, tell of, bring up or in, raise, deal with, cover:
I must now touch upon a delicate matter.
9 have access to, access, use, employ, make use of, put to use, avail (oneself) of, take, get, take advantage of:
I do not touch the principal, but try to live off the interest.
10 touch down. land, alight, come to earth:
We touched down for fuel at Gander, Newfoundland.
11 touch off.
(a) detonate, spark (off), set alight, set off, ignite, light, fire, put a match to:
We touched off the gunpowder and blew up the arsenal.
(b) instigate, initiate, begin, start, set in motion, ignite, set off, trigger, provoke, foment, cause, give rise to:
Her offhand remark touched off a family row that lasted for years.
12 touch up. retouch, patch up; beautify, enhance, titivate, renovate, spruce up:
She said that the painting had recently been touched up. Mandy is upstairs touching up her make-up.
13 feeling, feel, texture:
She wants nothing but the touch of silk next to her body.
14 pat, tap, blow, hit, stroke, brush, caress:
She hated him so much that she cringed at the touch of his hand.
15 dash, hint, intimation, suggestion, soupçon, bit, intimation, pinch, jot, spot, trace, tinge, taste, suspicion, smattering, colouring, smack, speck, drop, whiff, odour, scent, smell:
Cynthia has a touch of hypocrisy about her. The salad dressing could use a touch more garlic.
16 ability, deftness, expertise, dexterity, adroitness, facility, skill, skilfulness, knack, capability, genius, talent, gift, flair:
Richard has a master's touch in everything he does.
17 response, feel, responsiveness, feeling, movement, operation, performance level:
This piano action has an excellent touch.
18 signature, trade mark, characteristic, influence, approach, style, manner, technique, execution, method:
I thought I recognized your touch in the furniture selection. A woman's touch might have helped.

Collocation dictionary

1 act of touching sb/sth


delicate, gentle, light, slight
The slightest touch will set off the alarm.


at sb/sth's ~
The door swung open at his touch. You can now do your shopping at the touch of a button.

2 small detail


final, finishing | decorative, festive, homely, romantic
The family photos give the room a homely touch.
| humorous | classy, lovely, nice, professional
Giving her flowers was a nice touch.
| feminine, human, idiosyncratic, individual, personal | little
The decor includes many idiosyncratic little touches.


add, give sth, put
She's just putting the finishing touches to her painting.

3 particular ability


golden, magic | deft, sure
With students she had a sure touch and showed great personal sensitivity.
| light
He handles this controversial subject with a light touch.
| political
He found his old political touch when the crisis emerged.


find | lose
Maybe the champion is losing her magic touch.

4 small amount of sth


little, subtle | welcome


add, bring
Her speech brought a welcome touch of humour to the evening.


with a ~ of
‘Thanks,’ she said, with a touch of sarcasm.
| ~ of

5 contact


The security staff were in close touch with the local police.


get in
I'm trying to get in touch with Jane. Do you have her number?
| keep in, stay in
It is important to keep in touch with the latest research. Let's keep in touch.
| put sb in
I'll put you in touch with someone in your area.
| lose
I've lost touch with all my old friends.


in ~
Are you still in touch with your friends from college?
| out of ~
This government is increasingly out of touch with ordinary voters.
| ~ with

1 put your hand on sb/sth; be in contact with sb/sth


(not) actually, not even, not quite
He did not actually touch the substance, but may have inhaled microparticles.
| barely, hardly, scarcely
You've hardly touched your food (= not eaten it).
| almost, nearly, practically
Their faces were almost touching.
| just | briefly
His fingers briefly touched hers.
| gently, lightly | gingerly | accidentally, inadvertently
He accidentally touched a live wire attached to overhead power cables.
| never
He said I kicked him, but I never touched him!


want to | (not) dare (to)
Don't you dare touch me!
| reach out to
Her hand reached out to touch his cheek.
| let sb
He wouldn't let me touch the wound.


He touched her gently on the arm.
| with
She touched him with her hand.

2 make sb feel a strong emotion


The story touched me very deeply.
PHRASAL VERBS touch on/upon sth


briefly | just, merely
Photojournalism and the birth of photography are merely touched on in the book.


want to
I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem.

Concise English dictionary

+the event of something coming in contact with the body
+the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands)
+a suggestion of some quality
+a distinguishing style
+the act of putting two things together with no space between them
+a slight but appreciable addition
+a communicative interaction
+a slight attack of illness
+the act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan)
+the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin
+deftness in handling matters
+the feel of mechanical action
+make physical contact with, come in contact with
+perceive via the tactile sense
+affect emotionally
+have to do with or be relevant to
+be in direct physical contact with; make contact
+have an effect upon
+deal with; usually used with a form of negation
+cause to be in brief contact with
+to extend as far as
+be equal to in quality or ability
+tamper with
+make a more or less disguised reference to
+color lightly