
US: /ˈtɔɹˌmɛnt/, /tɔɹˈmɛnt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

torment /'tɔ:mənt/
  • danh từ
    • sự đau khổ, sự giày vò, sự day dứt, sự giằn vặt; nỗi thống khổ, nỗi đau đớn (thể xác, tinh thần)
      • to be in torment: đau khổ
      • to suffer torment: chịu đau khổ
    • nguồn đau khổ
    • ngoại động từ
      • làm đau khổ, giày vò, day dứt
        • to be tormented with remorse: đau khổ day dứt, vì hối hận

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun [U, C] (written) extreme suffering, especially mental suffering; a person or thing that causes this: the cries of a man in torment + She suffered years of mental torment after her son's death. + The flies were a terrible torment.
    + verb [VN]
    1 (written) to make sb suffer very much: He was tormented by feelings of insecurity.
    2 to annoy a person or an animal in a cruel way because you think it is amusing

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 torture, abuse, maltreat, mistreat, distress, agonize, excruciate, crucify, harrow, rack, pain:
    Hunger tormented his weary body.
    2 worry, trouble, plague, annoy, bedevil, vex, harry, badger, hector, harass, pester, nag, persecute, needle, nettle, irk, irritate, bother, torture, afflict, Brit chivvy or chivy or chevy:
    I was tormented by the suspicion that something was wrong.
    3 agony, wretchedness, anguish, distress, misery, pain, woe, painfulness, torture, suffering, curse, hell:
    How can parents endure the torment of losing a child?
    4 worry, vexation, annoyance, harassment, ordeal, persecution, needling, nuisance, bane, irritation, bother, affliction, scourge, torture:
    For yet another day I had to suffer the torment of their company.

    Collocation dictionary


    great | inner, mental, private


    endure, suffer
    She has suffered great mental torment.
    | be released from


    in ~
    He was a man in torment.


    a soul in torment
    The sea wailed like a soul in torment.

    Concise English dictionary

    torments|tormented|tormentingtɔr'ment /tɔː-
    +unbearable physical pain
    +extreme mental distress
    +intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain
    +a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented
    +a severe affliction
    +the act of harassing someone
    +torment emotionally or mentally
    +treat cruelly
    +subject to torture