
US: /ˈtaɪɝ/
UK: /tˈa‍ɪ‍ə/

English Vietnamese dictionary

tire /'taiə/
  • danh từ & ngoại động từ
    • (như) tyre
    • ngoại động từ
      • làm mệt mỏi, làm mệt nhọc
        • the long lecture tires the audience: buổi thuyết trình dài làm cho người nghe mệt mỏi
      • làm chán
      • nội động từ
        • mệt, mệt mỏi
        • to tire of
          • chán, không thiết
      • danh từ
        • (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) đồ trang sức trên đầu (của đàn bà); đồ trang sức
        • ngoại động từ
          • trang điểm, trang sức
            • to tire one's head: trang điểm cái đầu

        Advanced English dictionary

        verb, noun
        + verb
        to become tired and feel as if you want to sleep or rest; to make sb feel this way: [V] Her legs were beginning to tire. + He has made a good recovery but still tires easily. [also VN]
        Idioms: never tire of doing sth to do sth a lot, especially in a way that annoys people: He went to Harvard-as he never tires of reminding us.
        Phrasal Verbs: tire of sth/sb to become bored with sth/sb or begin to enjoy it/them less: They soon tired of the beach and went for a walk. + She was sure that he would soon tire of her. + There are plenty of restaurants for those who tire of shopping.
        tire sb / yourself out to make sb/yourself feel very tired: That walk has tired me out. + Pace yourself or you'll tire yourself out in the first half of the race.
        See also - TIRED
        + noun (AmE) = TYRE

        Thesaurus dictionary

        1 weary, tire out, fatigue, exhaust, wear out, drain, sap, enervate, drain, wear out, debilitate, weaken, Colloq take it out of, fag (out), take it out of:
        The long climb tired me.
        2 bore, exasperate, weary, irk, irritate, annoy, bother:
        I wish you wouldn't tire me with your accounts of your shopping expeditions.

        Collocation dictionary


        easily, quickly
        She found herself tiring more quickly these days.
        | out
        The long walk had really tired me out.

        VERB + TIRE

        begin to
        After an hour Rick began to tire.

        Concise English dictionary

        +hoop that covers a wheel
        +get tired of something or somebody
        +exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress
        +cause to be bored