
US: /ˈtɪmɪd/
UK: /tˈɪmɪd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

timid /'timid/
  • tính từ
    • rụt rè, nhút nhát, bẽn lẽn, e lệ
      • timid as a rabbit: nhát như cáy

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
shy and nervous; not brave: He stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in. + They've been rather timid in the changes they've made (= they've been afraid to make any big changes). + 'May I come in?' she asked in a timid voice. + Deer are naturally timid creatures.
timidity noun [U]
timidly adverb

Thesaurus dictionary

shy, retiring, modest, coy, bashful, diffident, timorous, fearful, apprehensive, mousy, scared, frightened, nervous, cowardly, pusillanimous, craven, Colloq chicken-hearted, yellow, yellow-bellied, chicken, chicken-livered, lily-livered, gutless:
I knew this strapping marine when he was a timid little boy.

Concise English dictionary

+people who are fearful and cautious
+showing fear and lack of confidence
+lacking self-confidence
+lacking conviction or boldness or courage