
US: /ˈtɪɫt/
UK: /tˈɪlt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

tilt /tilt/
  • danh từ
    • độ nghiêng; trạng thái nghiêng
    • sự đấu thương (trên ngựa, trên thuyền)
    • búa đòn ((cũng) tilt-hammer)
    • full tilt
      • rất mau, hết tốc lực
    • to run (come) full tilt against: lao tới, xông tới
  • nội động từ
    • nghiêng đi
      • the barrel tilted: cái thùng nghiêng đi
    • (hàng hải) tròng trành, nghiêng
      • the ship tilts on the waves: chiếc tàu tròng trành trên sóng
    • đấu thương
    • (nghĩa bóng) tranh luận, tranh cãi
    • ngoại động từ
      • làm nghiêng, làm chúi xuống
      • lật đổ, lật nghiêng (một chiếc xe)
      • (kỹ thuật) rèn bằng búa đòn, đập bằng búa đòn
      • to tilt at
        • đâm ngọn thương vào, chĩa ngọn thương vào
      • (nghĩa bóng) công kích
      • to tilk back
        • lật ra sau, lật lên
      • to tilt over
        • làm cho nghiêng; lật đổ; ngã nhào
      • to tilt up
        • lật đứng lên, dựng đứng, dựng ngược
      • to tilt at windmills
        • (xem) windmill
    • danh từ
      • mui che, bạt
      • ngoại động từ
        • che mui, phủ bạt

      Advanced English dictionary

      verb, noun
      + verb
      1 [usually +adv./prep.] to move, or make sth move, into a position with one side or end higher than the other: [V] Suddenly the boat tilted to one side + The seat tilts forward, when you press this lever. + [VN] His hat was tilted slightly at an angle. + She tilted her head back and looked up at me with a smile.
      2 to make sth/sb change slightly so that one particular opinion, person, etc. is preferred or more likely to succeed than another; to change in this way: [VN] The hot conditions may tilt the balance in favour of the Kenyan runners. + [V] Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the socialists.
      Idioms: tilt at windmills to waste your energy attacking imaginary enemies
      ORIGIN From Cervantes' Don Quixote, in which the hero thought that the windmills he saw were giants and tried to fight them.
      Phrasal Verbs: tilt at sb/sth (BrE) to attack sb/sth in speech or writing: a satirical magazine tilting at public figures
      tilt at sth (BrE) to try to win sth: He was tilting at the top prize.
      + noun
      1 a position in which one end or side of sth is higher than the other; an act of tilting sth to one side: The table is at a slight tilt. + He answered with a tilt of his head.
      2 an attempt to win sth or defeat sb: She aims to have a tilt at the world championship next year.
      Idioms: (at) full tilt / pelt as fast as possible

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 lean, slant, incline, slope, angle, tip, heel over, pitch, list, cant:
      She caught the lamp just as the table tilted.
      2 tilt at. joust with, compete with, battle against, contend with, spar with, cross swords with, attack:
      In tilting at the media, he has chosen some formidable opponents.
      3 lean, slant, incline, slope, angle, tip, heel, list, pitch, cant, inclination:
      The wall is at a perilous tilt and could easily fall.
      4 joust, tourney, tournament, meeting, tilting, engagement, encounter, match, contest, test, trial, fight, combat; dispute, argument, difference, quarrel, altercation, squabble, tiff, US spat, Colloq set-to:
      I have enjoyed the various tilts I have had with the editor over the years.

      Collocation dictionary


      sharp | slight | downward, upward | backward, forward


      at a ~
      I positioned the photo at a slight tilt.
      | ~ to/towards
      a tilt to the left

      Concise English dictionary

      +a combat between two mounted knights tilting against each other with blunted lances
      +a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
      +a slight but noticeable partiality
      +the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical
      +pitching dangerously to one side
      +to incline or bend from a vertical position
      +heel over
      +move sideways or in an unsteady way
      +charge with a tilt