
US: /ˈθɪŋk/
UK: /θˈɪŋk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

think /θiɳk/
  • động từ thought
    • nghĩ, suy nghĩ, ngẫm nghĩ
      • he does not say much but he thinks a lot: nó nói ít nhưng suy nghĩ nhiều
      • think twice before doing: hãy suy nghĩ chính chắn trước khi làm
      • one would have thought that: người ta có thể nghĩ rằng
    • nghĩ, tưởng, tưởng tượng, nghĩ được, nghĩ là, cho là, coi như
      • I think so: tôi nghĩ thế, tôi cho là thế
      • and to think he has gone away: và ai mà tưởng được rằng nó đã đi rồi
      • to you think him brave?: anh có cho nó là dũng cảm không?
      • to think scorn: khinh bỉ
    • nghĩ ra, thấy, hiểu
      • I can't think why: tôi không hiểu tại sao
    • nghĩ đến, nhớ
      • to think to do something: nhớ làm một việc gì
    • trông mong
      • I thought to have heard from you: tôi mong được nhận tin anh
    • luôn luôn nghĩ, lo nghĩ, lo lắng
      • to think oneself silly: nghĩ lắm đâm ra quẫn trí ngớ ngẩn
    • nuôi những ý nghĩ, nuôi những tư tưởng
      • to think sombre thoughts: nuôi những ý nghĩ hắc ám
    • to think about
      • suy nghĩ về
    • to give someone something else to think about: làm cho người nào nghĩ về một chuyện khác; làm cho người nào khuây khoả
    • to think of
      • nghĩ về, nghĩ đến, xét đến
    • to think of everything: nghĩ đến mọi việc
    • when I come to think of it: khi tôi nghĩ đến điều đó
    • nhớ đến, nghĩ đến
      • I never thought of telling you: tôi không bao giờ nhớ (nghĩ) đến việc nói với anh
      • to think of the name of: nhớ tên của
    • nghĩ, có ý định
      • to think of going for a walk: định đi chơi
    • nghĩ ra, tìm được
      • to think of the right word: tìm thấy được từ đúng
    • có ý kiến về, có ý nghĩ về
      • to think little (not much, nothing) of: không coi ra gì
    • tưởng tượng
      • I shouldn't think of doing such a thing: tôi không thể tưởng tượng có thể làm một việc như thế
    • to think out
      • nghĩ ra, trù tính
    • to think out a plan: nghĩ ra một kế hoạch
    • to think over
      • nghĩ về, suy nghĩ kỹ về, bàn về
    • on thinking it over: nghĩ kỹ đến điều đó
    • to think up
      • sáng tạo ra, nghĩ ra
    • to think better of
      • đánh giá (ai) cao hơn
    • suy đi tính lại lại thôi, thay đổi ý kiến
    • to think fit to do something
      • quyết định làm một việc gì
    • to think one's time away
      • suy nghĩ cho qua thì giờ

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb (thought, thought )
have opinion / belief
1 ~ (about sth) (not used in the progressive tenses) to have a particular idea or opinion about sth/sb; to believe sth: [V (that)] Do you think (that) they'll come? + I thought I heard a scream. + I didn't think you liked sports. + Am I right in thinking that you used to live here? + I think this is their house, but I'm not sure. + He ought to resign, I think. + We'll need about 20 chairs, I should think. + [VN (that)] It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth. + [VN] What did you think about the idea? + Well, I like it. What do you think? + [V] 'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.' + 'Is he any good?' 'I don't think so.' + [VN-ADJ] I think it highly unlikely that I'll get the job. + She thought him kind and generous. + [VN to inf] He's thought to be one of the richest men in Europe.
Help Note: This pattern is not usually used unless think is in the passive.
use mind
2 ~ (about sth) to use your mind to consider sth, to form connected ideas, to try to solve problems, etc: [V] Are animals able to think? + Let me think (= give me time before I answer). + I can't tell you now-I'll have to think about it. + She had thought very deeply about this problem. + All he ever thinks about is money. + I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). + [V wh-] He was trying to think what to do.
3 (usually used in the progressive tenses) to have ideas, words or images in your mind: [VN] You're very quiet. What are you thinking? + [V wh-] I was just thinking what a long way it is. + [V speech] 'I must be crazy,' she thought.
4 [no passive] to form an idea of sth; to imagine sth: [V wh-] We couldn't think where you'd gone. + Just think how nice it would be to see them again. + [V (that)] I can't think (that) he would be so stupid. + [V] Just think-we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow. + [VN] If I'm late home, my mother always thinks the worst. + Try to think yourself into the role.
5 to expect sth: [V (that)] I never thought (that) I'd see her again. + The job took longer than we thought. + You'd think she'd have been grateful for my help (= but she wasn't). + [V to inf] (formal) Who would have thought to find you here?
in a particular way
6 (informal) [no passive] to think in a particular way or on a particular subject: [V-ADJ] Let's think positive. + You need to think big (= aim to achieve a lot). + [VN] If you want to make money, you've got to think money.
showing anger / surprise
7 [V (that)] (spoken) used in questions to show that you are angry or surprised: What do you think you're doing?
being less definite / more polite
8 (spoken) used to make sth you say sound less definite or more polite: [V (that)] I thought we could go out tonight. + Twenty guests are enough, I would have thought. + Do you think you could open the window? + [V] 'You've made a mistake.' 'I don't think so / I think not.'
9 to intend sth; to have a plan about sth: [V (that)] I think I'll go for a swim. + [V] I'm thinking in terms of about 70 guests at the wedding.
10 to remember sth; to have sth come into your mind: [V to inf] I didn't think (= it did not OCCUR to me) to tell her. + [V wh-] I can't think where I put the keys.
Idioms: come to think of it used when you suddenly remember sth or realize that it might be important: Come to think of it, he did mention seeing you.
I don't think so (spoken) used to say very strongly that you do not agree with sth, or that sth is not possible: Me? Fail? I don't think so.
if / when you think about it used to draw attention to a fact that is not obvious or has not previously been mentioned: They do have a big house, when you think about it.
I thought as much that is what I expected or suspected: 'He said he'd forgotten.' 'I thought as much.'
think again to consider a situation again and perhaps change your idea or intention
think aloud to say what your thoughts are as you have them
think better of it / of doing sth to decide not to do sth after thinking further about it: Rosie was about to protest but thought better of it.
think (the) better of sb to have a higher opinion of sb: She has behaved appallingly-I must say I thought better of her.
think nothing of it (formal) used as a polite response when sb has said sorry to you or thanked you
think nothing of sth / of doing sth to consider an activity to be normal and not particularly unusual or difficult: She thinks nothing of walking thirty miles a day.
think on your feet to be able to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without any preparation
think straight to think in a clear or logical way
think twice about sth / about doing sth to think carefully before deciding to do sth: You should think twice about employing someone you've never met.
think the world, highly, a lot, not much, poorly, little, etc. of sb/sth to have a very good, poor, etc. opinion of sb/sth: He thinks the world of his daughter. + I don't think much of her idea.
to think (that ...) used to show that you are surprised or shocked by something: To think that my mother wrote all those books and I never knew!
more at FIT adj., ILL adv., LET v., LIKE v., OWN v.
Phrasal Verbs: think about / of sb/sth
1 to consider sb/sth when you are doing or planning sth: Don't you ever think about other people?
2 to consider doing sth
Synonym: CONTEMPLATE [+ -ing]
She's thinking of changing her job.
think ahead (to sth) to think about a future event or situation and plan for it
think back (to sth) to think about sth that happened in the past: I keep thinking back to the day I arrived here.
think for yourself to form your own opinions and make decisions without depending on others
think of sth/sb
1 to have an image or idea of sth/sb in your mind: When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular.
2 to create an idea in your imagination: Can anybody think of a way to raise money? + 'What shall we do now?' 'I'll think of something.' + Have you thought of a name for the baby yet?
3 [no passive] (used especially with can) to remember sth/sb: I can think of at least three occasions when he arrived late. + I can't think of her name at the moment.
think of sb/sth as sb/sth to consider sb/sth in a particular way: I think of this place as my home. + She is thought of as a possible future director.
think of sth to imagine an actual or a possible situation: Just think of the expense! + [+ -ing] I couldn't think of letting you take the blame (= I would not allow that to happen).
think sth<->out to consider or plan sth carefully: It's a very well thought out plan.
think sth<->over to consider sth carefully, especially before reaching a decision: He'd like more time to think things over. + I've been thinking over what you said.
think sth<->through to consider a problem or a possible course of action fully
think sth<->up (informal) to create sth in your mind
Can't you think up a better excuse than that?
+ noun [sing.]
Idioms: have a think (about sth) (informal) to think carefully about sth in order to make a decision about it: I'll have a think and let you know tomorrow.
you've got another think coming (informal) used to tell sb that they are wrong about sth and must change their plans or opinions: If you think I'm going to pay all your bills you've got another think coming.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 believe, imagine, expect, dream, fantasize, suppose:
When do you think that you will retire?
2 judge, reckon, consider, deem, regard (as), characterize (as), believe, assume, mark:
They thought him a fool for making such a fuss.
3 contemplate, cogitate (on or over or about), ruminate (over or about), reflect (on), meditate (on or over or about), muse (on or over or about), deliberate (on or over or about), think about or of or over:
He likes to sit in the bath and think. I need time to think over your proposal.
4 Often, think of. recall, remember, recollect, call to mind:
I simply cannot think of the name of that film we saw last week.
5 think of or about.
(a) consider, ponder, weigh, contemplate, muse over, have in mind, mull over, entertain the idea or notion of, intend, have in mind, propose:
Do you ever think of retiring?
(b) assess, evaluate, value, judge:
What do you think about their latest suggestion?
6 think up or of. devise, concoct, contrive, come up with, invent, conceive (of), dream up, create, make up, improvise:
Who thinks up the plots for these dreadful TV series?

Collocation dictionary


long | hard


give sth, have


~ about
I've had a long, hard think about it.

1 have an opinion


really | personally
I personally think it's all been a lot of fuss over nothing.
| honestly
Did you honestly think I would agree to that?
| never
I never thought you would carry out your threat.


be inclined to
I'm inclined to think we've been a little harsh on her.


I still don't know what he really thinks about it.
| of
What did you think of the film?

2 have an idea




I suddenly thought of a way I could help.

3 consider/reflect


carefully, deeply, (long and) hard
She thought long and hard before accepting his offer.
| fleetingly | rationally
He seemed to have lost the ability to think rationally.
| frantically
What can I do now? he thought frantically.
| contemptuously, despairingly, dully, glumly, grimly, guiltily, indignantly, irritably, miserably, resentfully | ruefully, wistfully, wryly


dread to, hate to, shudder to, tremble to
I hate to think what would have happened if we hadn't arrived.


Think about what you are going to do next.
| of
I often think of Jane.

Concise English dictionary

+an instance of deliberate thinking
+judge or regard; look upon; judge
+expect, believe, or suppose
+use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
+recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
+imagine or visualize
+focus one's attention on a certain state
+have in mind as a purpose
+decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting
+ponder; reflect on, or reason about
+dispose the mind in a certain way
+have or formulate in the mind
+be capable of conscious thought
+bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation