
US: /ˈtɛmpɫeɪt/, /ˈtɛmpɫət/
UK: /tˈɛmple‍ɪt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

template /'templit/ (template) /'templit/
  • danh từ
    • (kỹ thuật) mẫu, dưỡng

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 a shape cut out of a hard material, used as a model for producing exactly the same shape many times in another material: Pressing the template firmly down on the plastic, cut around it with a knife.
2 a thing that is used as a model for producing other similar examples: If you need to write a lot of similar letters, set up a template on your computer. + In our DNA we all carry a genetic template for the next generation. + The director uses his own childhood experiences as a template for the movie.

Thesaurus dictionary

templet, pattern, mould, guide, model, die:
The work on the lathe is matched to the template.