
US: /ˈtidiəs/
UK: /tˈiːdɪəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

tedious /'ti:djəs/
  • tính từ
    • chán ngắt, tẻ, nhạt nhẽo, thiếu hấp dẫn, làm buồn tẻ
      • a tedious lecture: một bài thuyết trình chán ngắt

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
lasting or taking too long and not interesting
Synonym: BORING
The journey soon became tedious. + We had to listen to all the tedious details of his operation.
tediously adverb
tediousness noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

over-long, long-drawn-out, prolonged, endless, unending, monotonous, unchanging, changeless, unvarying, laborious, long-winded, wearing, wearying, wearisome, tiring, exhausting, fatiguing, tiresome, boring, dreary, dull, dry-as-dust, drab, colourless, vapid, insipid, flat, uninteresting, banal, unexciting, prosaic, prosy, soporific, humdrum, routine, repetitious, repetitive, mechanical, automaton-like, automatic, Colloq ho-hum, Slang dead, US blah:
For almost fifty years my father had a tedious job on an assembly line.

Collocation dictionary


be, look, seem, sound | become, get
Her visits were starting to get a bit tedious.
| make sth | find sth
He found committee meetings extremely tedious.


extremely, incredibly, very | almost | a bit, a little, pretty, rather, somewhat

Concise English dictionary

+so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
+using or containing too many words