
US: /ˈtɑɹɡət/, /ˈtɝɡət/
UK: /tˈɑːɡɪt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

target /'tɑ:git/
  • danh từ
    • bia (để bắn)
      • target practice: sự tập bắn bia
    • mục tiêu, đích (đen & bóng)
      • selected target: mục tiêu chọn lọc
      • target area: vùng mục tiêu
    • (ngành đường sắt) cọc tín hiệu (cắm ở đường ghi)
    • (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) khiên nhỏ, mộc nhỏ
    • chỉ tiêu phấn đấu

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun
1 a result that you try to achieve: business goals and targets + attainment targets + Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. + to meet a target date of April 2001 + The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September. + The new sports complex is on target to open in June. + a target area / audience / company / group (= the particular area, audience, etc. that a product, programme, etc. is aimed at)
2 ~ (for sb/sth)
~ (of sth) an object, a person or a place that people aim at when attacking: They bombed military and civilian targets. + Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars. + It's a prime target (= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks. + (figurative) He's become the target for a lot of criticism recently. + The children became the target for their father's aggressive outbursts.
3 an object that people practise shooting at, especially a round board with circles on it: to aim at a target + to hit / miss the target + target practice
+ verb (targeting, targeted, targeted) [VN] [usually passive]
1 to aim an attack or a criticism at sb/sth: The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States. + The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.
2 to try to have an effect on a particular group of people: The campaign is clearly targeted on the young. + a new magazine that targets single men

Thesaurus dictionary

goal, object, objective, aim, end; butt, quarry:
The target of the charity drive is to raise $30,000. Why make Peter the target of your ridicule?

Collocation dictionary

1 sb/sth that you try to destroy, hurt, steal, etc.


favourite, likely, natural, obvious, perfect, possible, potential, prime, suitable
The prime minister is a favourite target of comedians.
| easy, sitting, soft, tempting, vulnerable
The stationary trucks were sitting targets for the enemy planes.
| legitimate | intended |
stationary | moving | ground |
military | civilian, non-military | terrorist


aim at, attack, go for, shoot at | hit, reach (used of a missile)
The bomb reached its intended target ten seconds later.
| miss, overshoot
The flare overshot its target and set light to a hotel.
| destroy
The missile is aimed specifically to destroy military targets.
| track
The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.


off ~
The missile veered way off target and landed in the sea.
| on ~
Politically speaking, his jibes were right on target.
| ~ for
an easy target for shoplifters

2 object that you shoot at


put up, set up
The archers were setting up their targets.
| aim at, shoot at | hit | miss | use sth as
The boys used an old tree stump as a target.


area | practice


off ~
Patton was just off target with a header.
| on ~
His first shot was bang on target.
| wide of the ~
The shot went wide of the target.

3 result, person, etc. that you aim to reach


achievable, attainable, low, modest, realistic | ambitious, demanding, difficult, high, tough, unrealistic
She has always set herself very high targets.
| impossible | clear | chief, key, main, major, primary, prime, principal | annual | immediate, initial | future, long-term, ultimate | attainment, economic, financial, growth, inflation, performance, production, profit, recruitment, sales, spending


Managers must set targets that are realistic.
| aim for
Pupils should be given a target to aim for.
| achieve, meet, reach | stay within
in a desperate attempt to stay within budget targets
| exceed
The company pays bonuses to workers who exceed production targets.
| fall short of


audience, group, market | date
to meet a target date of May 2002
| figure, price, weight


above (a/the) ~
Sales so far this year are 20% above target.
| off ~
These figures are way off target.
| on ~
We are still right on target.
| over (a/the) ~
Many wage settlements reached were over the original target of 4%.
| towards (a/the) ~
We are working towards a target of twenty cars a week.
| ~ for
setting new targets for growth


carefully, deliberately
a carefully targeted marketing campaign Children are deliberately targeted.
| particularly, specifically


The products are targeted at young people.
| for
This hospital is targeted for additional funding.
| on
Tax cuts should be targeted on the poor.
| towards
We target our services towards specific groups of people.

Concise English dictionary

targets|targeted|targeting'tɑrgɪt /'tɑː-
+a reference point to shoot at
+a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
+the location of the target that is to be hit
+sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
+the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
+intend (something) to move towards a certain goal