
US: /ˈtæŋɡəɫ/
UK: /tˈæŋɡə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

tangle /'tæɳgl/
  • danh từ
    • (thực vật học) tảo bẹ
    • mớ rối, mớ lộn xộn
      • to make a tangle of the ball of wool: làm rối cuộn len
    • tình trạng lộn xộn, tình trạng rối rắm, trạng thái rối ren, trạng thái phức tạp
      • to be in a tangle: bị lạc đường lối; rối rắm, quẫn
      • to get in a tangle: rối trí, lúng túng
  • ngoại động từ
    • làm rối, làm rối tung, làm lộn xộn
      • to tangle one's hair: làm rối tóc
    • (nghĩa bóng) làm rối tung, làm phức tạp
      • like a tangled skein: rối tung, rối như tơ vò
  • nội động từ
    • rối, quấn vào nhau, vướng vào nhau
    • trở nên rối rắm, trở nên phức tạp; rối trí, bối rối

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun
1 a twisted mass of threads, hair, etc. that cannot be easily separated: a tangle of branches + Her hair was a mass of tangles.
2 a state of confusion or disorder: His financial affairs are in a tangle.
3 (informal) a disagreement or fight
+ verb
~ (sth) up to twist sth into an untidy mass; to become twisted in this way: [VN] She had tangled up the sheets on the bed as she lay tossing and turning. [also V]
Phrasal Verbs: tangle with sb/sth to become involved in an argument or a fight with sb/sth: Last time I tangled with him, he won!

Thesaurus dictionary

1 confusion, knot, gnarl, mesh, snarl, twist, kink, entanglement, jam, snag, jumble, mess, skein, web, coil:
It took hours to straighten out the tangle of ribbons.
2 muddle, complication, jumble, puzzle, medley, complexity, complication, scramble, mishmash, mix-up, hotchpotch or US and Canadian also hodgepodge, jungle, maze, labyrinth:
She was rather bewildered by the vast tangle of information on the subject.
3 Often, tangle up. confuse, knot, mesh, snarl, gnarl, twist, kink, ravel, entangle, jam, snag, intertwist, intertwine, interlace, interweave, jumble, mess up, scramble, shuffle, muddle:
Now you've tangled all the ribbons I carefully straightened out earlier.
4 Often, tangle with. wrangle (with), contend (with), fight (with or against), (come into) conflict (with), come or go up against, lock horns (with), dispute, cross swords (with), disagree (with):
The sheriff is the last person I want to tangle with.

Collocation dictionary


bewildering, confused
a confused tangle of voices
| dense, matted
a dense tangle of undergrowth


get into
He got into a tangle with his budget figures.
| sort out, unravel
The legal tangle was never really unravelled.


in a ~
This string's in a tangle.

Concise English dictionary

+a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven
+something jumbled or confused
+force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action
+tangle or complicate
+disarrange or rumple; dishevel
+twist together or entwine into a confusing mass