
US: /səbˈdud/
UK: /sʌbdjˈuːd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

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Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 (of a person) unusually quiet, and possibly unhappy: He seemed a bit subdued to me. + She was in a subdued mood. + The reception was a subdued affair.
2 (of light or colours) not very bright: subdued lighting + the subdued greens and browns of the landscape
3 (of sounds) not very loud: a subdued conversation + the sound of subdued laughter
4 (of business activity) not very busy; with not much activity: a subdued housing market + a period of subdued trading

Thesaurus dictionary

1 quiet, mellow(ed), toned down, moderate(d), tempered, hushed, muted, low-key, unenthusiastic, repressed, restrained, peaceful, tranquil, placid, calm(ed), temperate, reserved:
There was a little subdued criticism at first, but the bill was passed.
2 chastened, sober, sobered, solemn, saddened, dejected, sad, down in the mouth, crestfallen, downcast, grave, serious:
He looked subdued when he emerged from the headmaster's office.

Collocation dictionary


be, feel, look, seem, sound


very | almost | a bit, fairly, rather, somewhat | suitably
She was dressed in grey and looked suitably subdued.
| strangely, unusually
I felt strangely subdued when it was all over.

Concise English dictionary

subdues|subdued|subduingsəb'duː /-'djuː
+put down by force or intimidation
+to put down by force or authority
+hold within limits and control
+get on top of; deal with successfully
+make subordinate, dependent, or subservient
+correct by punishment or discipline